Welcome to TMS Bands! Mr. Wootton, Head Band Director Tuba, Trombone and Percussion Beginners, Wind Ensemble Director Mrs. Allison, Assistant Band Director Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone and Oboe/Bassoon Beginners, Symphonic Band Director, Concert Band Director Ms. Reynolds, Assistant Band Director French horn, Trumpet, Baritone Beginners, Assistant Concert Band Director
What Should I Expect This Year? Students will be sent home Monday with a Band Handbook detailing all aspects of our program. A signature sheet will be attached to the back that will be signed by parents and students and returned to the Directors by Friday, August September 1st. A Band Calendar will also be sent home the first week and will also be posted on our website.
Which Instrument Will My Child Play? Most of our students were tested last Spring on their choice of instruments. If your child has not been tested, we will determine their instrument by the end of the first week of school. Some instruments, such as percussion and saxophone, are highly requested. We have to limit the number of students who are placed in these classes based on the needs of the student and the band program. These classes are currently full.
How Do I Obtain and Instrument for My Child? If you did not procure an instrument for your child at the Spring Mouthpiece Testing and Instrument Drive, you will need to contact one of our recommended music stores to acquire an instrument. Please make sure you also have all other necessary supplies! A comprehensive list can be found on our website. Music and Arts (Humble) 281-540-7260 Swicegood (Beaumont) 409-833-8603 We will begin playing on Tuesday, September 5th!
What is the Time Commitment? Concerts: Twice During the Year (Winter and Spring) and one Honors Band Competition (in May) Daily Practice: 10-15 minutes, including weekends! *Students will fill out practice Charts on our band app (Charms Blue) to document their at-home practice. After-School Rehearsals: Minimal, occurring throughout the year just before concerts. What are the Extra Costs? Band Fees ($63): This fee helps with clinicians, piano accompanists, and transportation fees for the year. It also provides your child with a band t-shirt, which will be their uniform for many of our performances. *Due by September 29th! Pay on the TMS Online Store!
How Will My Child Be Graded? Detailed information can be found on page 4 of the Band Handbook. Daily Participation Concerts Rehearsals Practice Charts (information on this during the 2nd 9 weeks) CHARMS Assessments Play and Talk only with Permission Allow Yourself and Others to Learn Be Ready to Play on Time with All Supplies No Gum, Candy or Food. NO PHONES!
Community Service Projects Fundraiser/Donation Instead of a fundraiser this year, we are reaching out to our band families to help us secure donations to our program. Friends, relatives, coworkers or church members who are supportive of the arts are great contacts to ask! We are going to tie these donation requests to several community service projects we are doing throughout the year. We feel it’s worthwhile to give back to our community and we hope those who donate to our program will too! Community Service Projects Can Food Drive to help HAAM (Fall Concert) Toy Drive to benefit The Door (Winter Concert) Community Outreach Concert at a local assisted living facility (December) Handmade Valentine’s Day Cards and Concert at a local assisted living facility Possible performance for Texas Children’s Hospital (December)
ATASCOCITA BAND BOOSTERS Contact: Trena Samford, TMS Representative This organization provides a LOT of monetary support to our program! Please consider volunteering your time at TMS football games at the concession stands. The money earned comes straight back to TMS band students! Contact: Trena Samford, TMS Representative