Japan’s Warning Dissemination Systems


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Presentation transcript:

Japan’s Warning Dissemination Systems Takayuki MATSUMURA Japan Meteorological Agency WMO/CBS Technical Conference 2016 Guangzhou, China 21-22 November 2016

Introduction Warning and forecast issued by NMHS should satisfy two conflicting demands; 1. simple and fast notice to the public for a prompt action and 2. customized and detailed information to each party concerned for an appropriate decision. Push and Pull strategy for information delivery is a solution to meet such complicated requirements. WMO/CBS TECO 2016 Guangzhou, China, 21-22 NOV 2016

Quick notification & Detailed Information Heavy rain warning is issued when soil water index, which well indicates risk of landslide and/or debris flow, exceeds a certain criterion to awake people to the facing threat. At the same time, a real-time landslide risk map shows the level of soil water index in detail on a web site. Hazard Related Information Detailed Information Mayor Real-time Landslide Risk Map Heavy Rain Advisory Push Pull Heavy Rain Warning Citizen High Sediment Disaster Alert Low etc. Rain fall → Soil Water Index Criterion of issue Rain & Soil Water Tank Model Simulation Visualization WMO/CBS TECO 2016 Guangzhou, China, 21-22 NOV 2016

Weather Information Delivery Data Broadcasting Multimedia Broadcasting Broadcast Station TV / Radio Community Radio Station Loudspeaker Facility Local Government FAX Web Site NMHS Emergency Response Authority Push Pull PC/Tablet e-mail Private Weather Company Cell Broadcast Message Cell Phone/ Smart Phone Cell Phone Carrier WMO/CBS TECO 2016 Guangzhou, China, 21-22 NOV 2016

Cell Broadcast Service to disseminate Emergency Warning WMO/CBS TECO 2016 Guangzhou, China, 21-22 NOV 2016

Cell Broadcast Service (CBS) NMHS (Warning Notification Provider) ! Broadcast ! Cell Phone Carrier ! ! Information is delivered to anyone in the designated area at once. Designated Cell Neither the warning notification provider nor the carrier is necessary to manage e-mail addresses to send. Anyone can receive the message without registration nor additional charge. The cost is included in basic charge. WMO/CBS TECO 2016 Guangzhou, China, 21-22 NOV 2016

Emergency Warning Overview WMO/CBS TECO 2016 Guangzhou, China, 21-22 NOV 2016

Delivery of Emergency Warning via CBS DEC, 2007 FEB, 2012 NOV, 2015 Earthquake Early Warning Tsunami Warning Emergency Warning against Hazardous Weather earthquake ground motion Tsunami Heavy rain Storm surge High waves Storm Heavy snow Snow-storm Emergency Warning against Volcanic Eruption Eruption Sample Text (in Japanese) Delivery of Emergency Warning 特別警報発表 ○○県に特別警報 (大雨) 最大級の警戒をして ください。 新たに対象になった 地域があります。 テレビ、ラジオ及び 自治体等の情報をご 確認ください。 ・・・ Emergency Warning Emergency Warnings are issued to alert people to the significant likelihood of catastrophes in association with natural phenomena of extraordinary magnitude observed only once every few decades. For Designated Areas JMA Cellphone Carrier WMO/CBS TECO 2016 Guangzhou, China, 21-22 NOV 2016

Contents Delivery Network to provide substantial web service WMO/CBS TECO 2016 Guangzhou, China, 21-22 NOV 2016

Contents Delivery Network (CDN) without CDN NMHS (Web Contents Provider) Too many accesses coincide with each other Confliction occurs Reply delayed WMO/CBS TECO 2016 Guangzhou, China, 21-22 NOV 2016

Contents Delivery Network (CDN) with CDN Edge Server (Web Caching Server) NMHS (Web Contents Provider) Smart Access No confliction happen WMO/CBS TECO 2016 Guangzhou, China, 21-22 NOV 2016

Daily Page View of JMA’s Web Site Considerable amount of access to the web site rises when significant event strikes Japan. 70 Neoguri T1408 Phanfone T1418 60 VongfongT1419 Mindulle T1609 Nangka T1511 50 Goni T1515 Kumamoto Earthquake Lionrock T1610 Noul T1506 40 Etau T1518 Million / Day Developing Low 30 20 10 2014/ 2015/ 2016/ WMO/CBS TECO 2016 Guangzhou, China, 21-22 NOV 2016

Summary To meet conflicting requirements in Japan, various approaches are adopted, including [Push] Cell Broadcast Service to disseminate Emergency Warning and [Pull] Contents Delivery Network to provide substantial web service. Advancements in information technology enable NMHS’s to deliver necessary information directory to each party concerned with reasonable expenses. WMO/CBS TECO 2016 Guangzhou, China, 21-22 NOV 2016

Thank you for your attention. JMA’s mascot “HARE-RUN” ありがとうございました JMA’s mascot “HARE-RUN” WMO/CBS TECO 2016 Guangzhou, China, 21-22 NOV 2016