2016 Welcome to 3rd Grade! Room 13
We are so glad you are here! The Third Grade Team Mrs. Dalton Mrs. Nowak Mrs. Pochal
Our Goals for this year having a positive mindset for learning trying our best every day not giving up being realistic learning to set personal goals being a classroom citizen
Our Specials Monday: Media Tuesday: Art Wednesday: P.E. Friday: Music
Our Typical Morning… 8:55 Morning Routine, PV News, Bellwork 9:15 Writer’s Workshop 10:00 Interactive Read-aloud & Snack 10:20 Mathematics 10:50 Special 11:30 Mathematics
…and on to the Afternoon! 12:15 Lunch followed by recess 1:10 STMath or Science 1:50 Reader’s Workshop 3:20 Dismissal begins
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions! Contact Info… Email: spochal@groton.k12.ct.us School Phone: (860)449-5600 Send a note or write a note on your child’s daily Homework slip Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions!
Our classroom rules are based around our schoolwide pledge: Our School Pledge Our classroom rules are based around our schoolwide pledge: I will be respectful I will be responsible I am ready to learn
Student Recognition The Pleasant Valley staff believes in frequent recognition of students who are demonstrating positive behaviors throughout the day in all school settings. We’re always looking for opportunities to acknowledge our students with Catch a Wave Slips that our students can use in the school store!
Dismissal Safety first! Please send a note on any day that your child is going home from school a different way! Thank you
Birthdays We love to celebrate birthdays! If you would like to send in a special treat to celebrate your child’s birthday, please let me know at least 24 hours in advance! Our snack time is at 10am. Please make arrangements to drop off the treat in the office before 10. Thank you!
Snack We have snack every day at 10am Please send a small snack and water for your child every day!
Writer’s Workshop Unit 1 Crafting True Stories Unit 2: The Art of Information Writing Unit 3: Changing the World: Persuasive Writing Baby Lit Unit: Essay Writing Unit 4: Once Upon a Time: Adapting and Writing Fairy Tales
Math Expressions Unit 1 Multiplication and Division Unit 2 Multiplication and Division (part 2) Unit 3 Measurement, Time and Graphs Unit 4 Multi-digit Addition and Subtraction Unit 5 Write Equations to Solve Word Problems Unit 6 Polygons, Perimeter, Area Unit 7 Exploring Fractions
Math Facts 3rd graders are expected to be fluent in multiplication and division facts of 0-10. Please help your child practice their math facts!!
Science Structures of Life Soggy Paper Performance Task Water and Climate
Social Studies Maps and Globes Connecticut’s Past and Present
Meet JiJi! In ST Math, children help JiJi get past obstacles by solving math puzzles – and they associate JiJi with challenge, learning and the thrill of success.
ST Math ST Math uses interactive, visual animation to convey math concepts and develop deep understanding. Initially, students encounter visual puzzles free of language or symbols, or rather, unnecessary distractions in first learning math concepts. Once the visual representation is mastered, language and symbols are gradually integrated into the puzzles.
Spelling Each week we study a Spelling Pattern Once we learn that pattern, we focus on using it in our daily writing!! Spelling quizzes are on Friday! Extra spelling lists may be found on our classroom website
You can access ST Math at home! Did you know? You can access ST Math at home!
Xtramath is a great way to learn and practice your math facts at home! Just 5-10 minutes a day!!
Our Classroom Website http://www.groton.k12.ct.us Select: Pleasant Valley Select: staff – Jennifer Nowak
Interactive Read-aloud is a special time in our classroom… Research has demonstrated that the most effective read-alouds are those in which children are actively involved asking and answering questions and making predictions rather than passively listening.
Here are some of our favorites…
Local Author
Read-aloud favorites
Another read-aloud “fav”
And another!
Another recommended read-aloud
5 Things to know about Homework We have homework every Monday – Thursday Any unfinished classwork will become homework
5 Things to know about Homework Please review your child’s homework, sign, and return the homework slip in the homework folder every day
5 Things to know about Homework Read every day for at least 20 minutes!!
5 Things to know about Homework Be sure to complete your reading log every time you read!!
5 Things to know about Homework Study your math facts and spelling words!! Math Fact Probe (6 minute): Mondays Spelling quiz: Fridays
Our seed sprouters!
Our seed sprouters!
Study those math facts!
Math Masters The Math Masters program motivates students in grade 3 – 5 to master their math facts! Math master status is earned by completing 100 facts with 100% accuracy. After completion of any one test a student receives a certificate and is honored at our monthly school-wide assembly for all students and families! When a student “masters” addition, subtraction, multiplication AND division he/she earns a medal and the option of becoming a mentor to other students.
Would you like to be a guest speaker or reader in our classroom? We would love to learn about your career or a special hobby you have Or you could read to the class Just let me know!
Would you like to Volunteer? Pleasant Valley has many opportunities for volunteers Copying, laminating, chaperoning on a field trip and more!
Parent Conferences Parent Conferences are held two times per year: October and March You may sign up tonight for the October conferences!! I am always happy to speak with you on the phone or to meet anytime of the school year. Just let me know!