Body Systems EQ II – 3.01
Consists of ductless glands producing internal secretions called hormones that control and promote homeostasis (balance) between physiologic functions. Hormones regulate bodily reactions by slowing or speeding the rate or organ functions. The pituitary and hypothalamus work together to coordinate the endocrine and nervous systems. The hypothalamus is the center of the autonomic nervous system. The hypothalamus releases hormones that regulate the pituitary. Endocrine System
Some of the hormones and the glands of their origin are: Hypothalamus: ADH (vasopressin) is the trauma hormone, oxytocin controls lactation and reproductive phases of the mare. Pituitary: FSH stimulates the ovaries of the mare and sperm production in the male, LH stimulates secretion of estrogen in the mare and testosterone in the male, LTH (prolactin) promotes lactation once the mammary system has been primed by estrogen and progesterone, TSH stimulates the thyroid gland to release thyroxin that regulates the body metabolism. Pancreas: Insulin regulates glucose metabolism Endocrine system
Endocrine system
Using pipe cleaners, construct a model of the equine endocrine system. Glue pipe cleaners to a sheet of paper and label each piece and list it’s function. Be sure to use different colored pipe cleaners for each component. Assignment
After completing your endocrine model, please complete the open notes quiz. This will be turned in for a grade. Friday we will take our baseline exam and finish Secretariat. Monday we will review the systems you have learned about and start talking about the reproductive tract. Open Notes Quiz