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Presentation transcript:


OUR PURPOSE As the Scottish Government’s economic and community development agency for the north and west of Scotland, HIE’s purpose is to generate sustainable economic growth across the Highlands and Islands. Our PRIORITIES include Strengthening Communities and Fragile Areas and Supporting businesses and social enterprises to shape and realise their growth aspirations

Community Assets Team HIE recognises that community-led development can be complex, in particular when the community ownership of land and property is involved. We offer support to communities at any stage of the asset acquisition journey, from starting up right the way through to purchase.

Community Assets Team Start up advice and funding Developing your ideas: Exploring options Capacity building Feasibility study Business planning Professional fees Valuations Making processes easier to navigate Securing funding

Online support

Ten Steps to Community Ownership

Capacity building Maximising Community Assets: A range of support designed for community organisations looking to develop their skills in line with asset ownership Learning journeys and development visits Training for your group Hosting a seminar Attending a conference or event Help with travel and accommodation costs Training costs

Community Assets Team

Launched in March 2016 £10m per year Extended to whole of Scotland

Programme Outcomes Our communities will:   Achieve more sustainable economic, environmental and/or social development through ownership of land and buildings. Have a stronger role in and control over their own development. Own well managed, financially sustainable land and buildings. SLF III outcomes changed to reflect increased benefits realisation from a sharper, more focused fund; and the opportunity to contemporise the Fund with respect to the community empowerment, tackling inequalities and inclusive growth agendas.

2-stage process Stage 1 – Pre-acquisition Information gathering Development funding Stage 2 - Acquisition Grants for acquisition Revenue funding SLF III outcomes changed to reflect increased benefits realisation from a sharper, more focused fund; and the opportunity to contemporise the Fund with respect to the community empowerment, tackling inequalities and inclusive growth agendas.

Revenue support Capital support Up to £30,000 pre acquisition support available (stage 1) Post acquisition support up to £100,000 for up to 3 years Capital support Minimum grant £10,000 Maximum £1 million

Stage 1: Development Funding (pre-acquisition) Who can apply? Community organisations Written governing document At least three unrelated people in your management committee UK based bank or building society account SLF III outcomes changed to reflect increased benefits realisation from a sharper, more focused fund; and the opportunity to contemporise the Fund with respect to the community empowerment, tackling inequalities and inclusive growth agendas.

Stage 1: Development Funding To help prepare to purchase an asset Up to 100% of development costs Fund specialist advice and/or professional fees Prepare groups for stage 2 application Will not fund salary costs for a staff post or capital expenditure. Development funding not essential at stage 1 SLF III outcomes changed to reflect increased benefits realisation from a sharper, more focused fund; and the opportunity to contemporise the Fund with respect to the community empowerment, tackling inequalities and inclusive growth agendas.

Stage 2: Acquisition Who can apply? Organisations that are community-led, community-controlled and defined by a geographical area. Governing document requirements Social Purpose Open Membership Community Control Non Profit-Distributing SLF III outcomes changed to reflect increased benefits realisation from a sharper, more focused fund; and the opportunity to contemporise the Fund with respect to the community empowerment, tackling inequalities and inclusive growth agendas.

Stage 2: Grants for Acquisition Land and land based assets (from fields and houses to whole islands and estates) Asset Transfers under Community Empowerment Act Acquisitions under Land Reform Act part 2 Purchase of privately owned land and property Grants based upon independent valuation SLF III outcomes changed to reflect increased benefits realisation from a sharper, more focused fund; and the opportunity to contemporise the Fund with respect to the community empowerment, tackling inequalities and inclusive growth agendas.

Process Enquiries through BIG Lottery Fund Scotland Case passed to SLF Advisor – applicant support 2 stage application process Stage 2 assessment by BIG and decision by independent Scottish Land Fund Committee

Contact BIG LOTTERY FUND (SLF initial enquiries) 0300 123 7110 HIE - Claire Munro email: tel: 03000 134 834