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What we will learn form this course? Part I The geographical principles of travel and tourism 第一部分 旅游地理的基本概念 The regional geography of travel and tourism 第二部分 区域旅游地理 第一篇 欧洲 第二篇 非洲和中东 第三篇 亚太地区 第四篇 美洲地区 Physical Features Cultural Features Tourism Demand The Supply Side of Tourism Tourism Resources
第一部分 旅游地理的基本概念 Part I The geographical Principles of Travel and Tourism
Learning objectives: After reading this chapter, you should be able to: 1 Define and use the terms leisure, recreation and tourism and understand their interrelationships. 理解闲暇、休闲、旅游三者的相互关系 2 Distinguish between the different forms of tourism, and the relationship of different types of tourists with the environment. 区分旅游的不同形式,以及与旅游者类型 3 Identify the three major components of the tourism system. 明确旅游系统构成的三大要素 4 Explain the push and pull factors that give rise to tourist flows. 能够解释引致旅游流增长的推拉因素
Verse 1 Leisure, recreation and tourism Leisure is often seen as a measure of time, it is the time available to an individual when work, sleep and other basic needs have been met. An attitude of mind or a measure of time 工业革命前后,人们闲暇时间发生的剧变。 Recreation is normally taken to mean the variety of activities undertaken during leisure time.
Verse 1 Leisure, recreation and tourism The definition of tourism 旅游的定义 Demand side: The activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes.——By the United Statistical Commission Supply-side: the tourism satellite account, which measures the demand for goods and services generated by visitors to a destination.
Figure 1.2 Classification of travellers
Verse 2 Geography and Tourism Spatial scale 空间尺度 Geographers study the spatial expression of tourism as a human activity, focusing on both tourist-generating and tourist-receiving areas, as well as the links between them. We can undertake this study at a variety of scales, namely: The global or continental scale—the distribution of major climate zones and ecosystems; air and shipping routes; patterns of migration; The national scale—the identification of a country’s transport networks and tourist regions; population distribution; The regional scale—the assessment of tourism resources in part of a country and The local scale—the location of particular attractions and the configuration of holiday resorts.
The geographical components of the tourism system 旅游系统的地理要素
The geographical components of the tourism system Tourist-generating areas(客源地) represent the homes of tourists, where journeys begin and end. The key issues to examine here are the features that stimulate demand for tourism, and include the geographical location of an area as well as its socio-economic and demographic characteristics. Tourist-receiving areas (目的地)attract visitors to stay temporarily and will have features and attractions that may not be found in the generating areas. The tourism industry located in such an area will comprise the visitor attractions, accommodation sector, retailing and service functions, entertainment and recreation facilities. Transit routes(中转路线)are a key element in the system as their effectiveness and other characteristics shape the volume and direction of tourist flows.
Tourist Flows Spatial interaction between the components of the tourism system: tourist flows 旅游系统要素之间的空间交互作用:旅游流 Tourist flows are a form of spatial interaction between two areas with the destination area containing a surplus of a commodity or resource (surfing beaches or ski slopes, for example) and the generating area having a deficit, or demand for that commodity. Push factors(推动因素)are mainly concerned with the stage of economic development in the generating area and will include such factors as levels of affluence, mobility and holiday entitlement. Pull factors(拉动因素)include accessibility, and the attractions and amenities of the destination area.
Question: Please take one of your favorite destinations as an example to tell us what are the push factors and pull factors for you to travel there form your hometown?
Verse 3 Forms of Tourism Type of destination 根据目的地划分 Domestic Tourism 国内旅游 International Tourism 国际旅游 Inbound tourism 入境旅游 Outbound tourism 出境旅游
The characteristics of the tourism system 根据旅游系统的特征划分 The tourism product determines the nature of the tourism system. Thus, we can distinguish many types of tourism including the following: Rural tourism, focused on the countryside; Urban tourism, focused on towns and cities; Spa tourism, travel for health and‘wellness’, traditionally based on water sources with therapeutic properties; Heritage tourism; Cultural tourism; Sport tourism, concerned with spectators travelling to sports events as well as the participants; Eco-tourism based on nature. Dark tourism, focused on places where tragic events have occurred.
The market 根据旅游市场划分 Holiday tourism(度假旅游)—the purpose of the visit is leisure or recreation. Common-interest tourism(常规旅游)—comprises those travelling with a purpose shared by those visited at the destination, such as visiting friends and relatives, or for reasons of religion, health or education. Business and professional tourism(商务旅游)—includes those attending trade fairs, associate or corporate conferences and those participating in incentive travel(奖励旅游)schemes.
Market segment 根据细分市场划分 1. The nature of the tourists themselves, such as: Youth tourism; ‘Grey’ or ‘third age’ tourism; Gay tourism; 2. The type of travel arrangements purchased, such as: Inclusive tour; 包价旅游 Independent travel; 自助游 Tailor-made travel; 定制旅游
Distance travelled 根据行程距离划分 Long-haul tourism—travel over a distance of at least 3000 kilometres Medium-haul tourism Short-haul tourism The personal view of the travel experience 个体的旅游体验 Anticipation phase 行前 Realisation phase 行中 Recollection phase 行后
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