Year 10 Science Transition – 20th September 2016
A warm welcome from the science staff Philippa Wallington– Head of Science and Physics Mark Adey– Subject leader Chemistry Thomas Price– Subject leader Biology Rachel Evans – Biology Teacher Carl Winters– Biology Teacher James McManus – Biology teacher Heidy Davies – Biology Teacher Simone Adams – Chemistry Teacher Bryn Thomas – Chemistry Teacher Nyree Myers – Chemistry Teacher Charles Edwards – Physics Teacher James Birchall- Physics teacher
Science GCSEs from 2016 New courses prescribed by Welsh government Science will be used to core like English and Maths Examination only including practical exam Double award science will be taken by 80% of students. 20% will take GCSE Biology, Chemistry and Physics as separate GCSEs.
Why is science being made core? Develops problem-solving skills Awareness about technology How to conserve natural resources Instils survival skills All of these skills are needed for our students to be global citizens. It will be used by employers and colleges to identify appropriate jobs and courses for students. All things we use today were from science solving a problem – scientists in Cern had a problem with communication and so developed the worldwide web. Technology is changing fast and students need to be aware of the processes involved eg sat nav uses a satellite orbiting the earth. Students need to be aware of the issues surrounding our planet and how to conserve them such as the ozone layer fossil fuels. Our ability to develop of the years has been based on our ability to use science from which berries to eat how to farm. Society will need to take decisions about things like how to generate electricity and without some understanding citizens will not be able to participate.
Key features Specified practicals which all students have to do. 10% practical assessment marked by WJEC Assessment of practical exams in written papers Quality of extended response Scientific literacy (Pisa style) with high reading demand to test scientific literacy. Higher mathematical demand The exams are practically based but the practical element will be assessed in exams. So our courses will be practically based but will also concentrate on the literacy and numeracy skills need to read, write and calculate in the papers.
Similarities between GCSE Double Award and GCSE Biology/Chemistry/Physics Both will have year 10 June exams and year 11 June exams. And a year 11 practical exam (10%) in Spring 2018. Papers are tiered Higher Grades D to A*, Foundation G to C. Dates will be the same (Summer year 10 and year 11) Biology (am) Wednesday 14th June 2017 Chemistry (am) Friday 16th June 2017 Physics (am) Monday 19th June 2017 I must stress that there are no January exams for resits – unlike in previous years so it is vital that do their best first time. They will take a Biology Chemistry and Physics exam each summer. We will have to decide tier of entry. Please note the dates.
Differences between GCSE Double Award and GCSE Biology/Chemistry/Physics Equivalent to 2 GCSEs Each written exam worth 15% of a GCSE Each exam 60 marks 1 hour 15 minutes in length Equivalent to 3 GCSEs Each written exam worth 45% of a GCSE Each exam 80 Marks 1 hour 45 minutes Additional content covered Although they will all take and exam in Biology Chemistry and Physics, Separate science content is extended as is the exam paper. The exam questions will not be the same biology for double ward will be different from Biology for Biology GCSE though some content will be the same. Please note the topics will be different to last year, if you do decide to get your child tutored please make sure the tutor knows!!
What is the programme? First topic test (covering all three subjects) in the weeks before/after half term. Parents evening 23rd November Trial exam (covering all three subjects) end of December to determine higher or foundation. 3rd February entries submitted. March final topic test (covering all three subjects). Finish the course by the beginning of May to allow for plenty of past paper practise. (These will be specific questions as there are no past papers) May - Mock exam It is vital imporntant
Text Books There are textbooks just brought out that cover the content for both exams – about £20 each. Not all the content will be eeded for double award but if you child buys each we can show them what they need and when.
Review science app Type Pembroke Soft WJEC into the app store – download year 10/year 11 or Bio/Chem/Phys before end of September for free.
What can you do? Make sure you child revises for the topic tests and trial exam. All topics have an SLC at the beginning of the booklet go through this with your child and identify any areas they are unsure about, use the app to help them. Ask them about the topics they are covering (can be done in the car, with systems around the house) and get them to read around the topic. Booklets / books will be sent home make sure they are looked after and work is done in an appropriate place with no distractions. Check SIMS. Textbooks are available for each subject Biology Chemistry, Physics from Amazon WJEC Email me if you have any concerns We will use these tests to decide tier of entry – we will have fewer tests this year to speed up teaching time and allow more revision time but it is vital that each child revises for the test. It s not good saying “I will revise for the next one”. So please task them questions eg when is your test what did you get in your test? Please look at the booklets and books sent home with your child and go through the SLCs wit them. Make sure they are aware of what is around them last year I had a girl who did not know what the M4 was. In the house, please show them how the heating system works what your thermostat does, how the internet gets into your house, what the meters are and what they do. Point out transformers as you go past or get them to point them out to you! Do check sims.
Questions? Or email me