Quantitative Data Continued Histograms
Histograms Used with numerical data Bars touch on histograms For comparative histograms – use two separate graphs with the same scale on the horizontal axis
Histograms Histogram is used when quantitative variables are too many for a stemplot or dotplot. Divide the range of the data into groups of equal width Count the number of individuals in each group Draw the histogram, title, label axis There is no horizontal space between bars unless a group is empty
Calculator Instructions STAT choose 1 Edit – Type values into L1 Set Up Histogram – 2nd Y (Stat Plot) Enter 1 Plot 1 ON Type “histogram” X List: L1 Freq: 1 Quick Graph ZOOM Choose 9 Trace to look at class intervals Set Window to match intervals Graph - Trace
Histograms The following are ages in months of 15 AP Stat students 195 204 192 193 209 194 199 204 192 214 222 209
Histogram (Xmin at 189)
Things to look for Center Shape Spread Outliers Cautions: Pancake and skyscraper effect
Histogram Example 2 States differ widely with respect to the percentage of college students who are enrolled in public institutions. The U.S. Department of Education provided the accompanying data on this percentage for the 50 U.S. states for fall 1999. Create a histogram to display this data and then give a brief description of the distribution. (use a minimum of 40, and maximum of 100 with class widths of 10) Percentage of College Students Enrolled in Public Institutions 95 81 85 80 72 73 74 95 91 89 63 91 86 89 79 92 90 93 84 89 96 65 85 76 92 75 69 73 82 81 77 75 70 55 56 87 88 82 81 84 76 80 56 60 43 52 62 80 82
Histogram Example Complete the frequency table below and construct the corresponding histogram. Class Count 25 to < 34 34 to < 43 43 to < 52 52 to < 61 61 to < 70 70 to < 79 Describe the shape: roughly symmetric, roughly skewed left, roughly skewed right, or no discernible shape. Describe the spread of the distribution. ………………………… What is the center of the distribution? (Hint: look at the original data set) …………… Do there appear to be any obvious outliers? If so, name them. ………………………………… What is the width of each class in the histogram? ………… Could this data set be represented by a pie graph? Why or why not?
Why use boxplots? ease of construction convenient handling of outliers construction is not subjective (like histograms) Used with medium or large size data sets (n > 10) useful for comparative displays
How to construct find five-number summary Min Q1 Med Q3 Max draw box from Q1 to Q3 draw median as center line in the box extend whiskers to min & max
ALWAYS use modified boxplots in this class!!! display outliers fences mark off mild & extreme outliers whiskers extend to largest (smallest) data value inside the fence ALWAYS use modified boxplots in this class!!!
Creating a Box Plot on your Calculator
Create a modified boxplot. Describe the distribution. A report from the U.S. Department of Justice gave the following percent increase in federal prison populations in 20 northeastern & mid-western states in 1999. 5.9 1.3 5.0 5.9 4.5 5.6 4.1 6.3 4.8 6.9 4.5 3.5 7.2 6.4 5.5 5.3 8.0 4.4 7.2 3.2 Create a modified boxplot. Describe the distribution. Use the calculator to create a modified boxplot.
Symmetrical boxplots Approximately symmetrical boxplot Skewed boxplot
Evidence suggests that a high indoor radon concentration might be linked to the development of childhood cancers. The data that follows is the radon concentration in two different samples of houses. The first sample consisted of houses in which a child was diagnosed with cancer. Houses in the second sample had no recorded cases of childhood cancer.
Cancer 10 21 5 23 15 11 9 13 27 13 39 22 7 20 45 12 15 3 8 11 18 16 23 16 9 57 16 21 18 38 37 10 15 11 18 210 22 11 16 17 33 10 No Cancer 9 38 11 12 29 5 7 6 8 29 24 12 17 11 11 3 9 33 17 55 11 29 13 24 7 11 21 6 39 29 7 8 55 9 21 9 3 85 11 14 Create parallel boxplots. Compare the distributions.
Creating a Box Plot Cancer No Cancer 0 50 100 150 200 Radon
Cancer No Cancer 100 200 Radon The median radon concentration for the no cancer group is lower than the median for the cancer group. The range of the cancer group is larger than the range for the no cancer group. Both distributions are skewed right. The cancer group has outliers at 39, 45, 57, and 210. The no cancer group has outliers at 55 and 85.
Knowing about the DATA Which terms best represent the data? The mean and median best illustrate skewed data While variance and standard deviation represent symmetrical data Spread – how far away from the mean does the data stretch To calculate variances – we need to square the differences between the mean and each data value. Variance (s2) - a measure of how far a set of numbers is spread out. A variance of zero indicates that all the values are identical A small variance indicates a small spread, while a large variance means the numbers are spread out Standard Deviation (s) - shows how much variation or dispersion from the average exists