Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland The Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland, based in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, is a world-class facility for advanced marine technology and education. Positioned on the edge of Canada's east coast, the Marine Institute is leading the way in fisheries and marine education for the international marketplace.
The Fisheries and Marine Institute The Institute provides global education and distance learning opportunities while constantly implementing new initiatives in response to industry needs. Thousands of students take advantage of the Marine Institute’s exceptional programmes every year, while clients from around the globe look to the Institute for the latest research and technology, and the most expertly trained graduates.
Distance Education Trends Distance education is becoming more abundant, thereby increasing the need for effective course-management systems and teaching strategies that utilize technology. Many trends in higher education will influence the future of distance learning. Student enrollments are growing to surpass the capacity of traditional infrastructures, learner profiles are changing, students are shopping for educational experiences that meet their schedules and circumstances, and higher education outsourcing and partnerships are increasing.
The current higher education infrastructure cannot accommodate the growing college-aged population and enrollments, making more distance education programs necessary. Not only is technology becoming more ubiquitous, it is being used more competently by more people from all nationalities, age groups, and socioeconomic levels.
The Bachelor of Maritime Studies and the Bachelor of Technology programmes are fully online and many other courses and programmes are under development and will be offered via e-learning in the future.
Marine Institute designs and delivers programmes that provide graduates with highly competitive skills and abilities by encouraging excellence in teaching and learning.
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