CAHO Consortium of Accredited Healthcare Organizations
Objectives of CAHO To continuously raise the bar of healthcare quality To support NABH & NABL: Provide feedback To make visible the benefits of accreditation to various stakeholders: patients, insurance, healthcare providers, industry leaders To share best practices and learn from each other and help CQI initiatives To provide mentorship to non-accredited healthcare organisations
Communication Workshops: Communication Training workshops (>10)conducted by CAHO and Baptist Hospitals have been very well received. We are now working to bring its online version Working to create master trainers in every zone. Recently workshop held in Delhi on 26 and 27 Feb 2016.
Role In Entry Level Promoted entry level NABH with various state Govts. Esp. Karnataka Promoted adoption by insurance companies through IRDA Guide Book on Entry Level with World Bank and NABH Will be training Mentors for training
Energy Conservation CAHO identified that Healthcare Providers need guidance on energy conservation and efficiency. Following has been done in this direction: Organised “Round table meeting on greening the healthcare sector” in September 2015 at Indian International centre, New Delhi. The main message: Energy Saving can surely help hospitals save lakhs of rupees besides helping the environment
Guidance For Disaster Management CAHO was invited for the disaster management meeting for hospitals conducted by National Institute of Disaster Management. This is another area where our hospitals need guidance to survive especially during external disasters. A module for training the hospitals is being made with the help of NIDM faculty and the first workshop will be hopefully done before April end.
Promoting Technology Actively looking at technology solutions to monitor quality and improve functioning of HCOs Giving platform to vendors and developers who show creativity, transparency and are ready to adopt fair pricing Planning a full day symposium to highlight technology advancements ”
Advocacy Part of the National Steering Committee For capping of compensation for medical negligence Represented CAHO on Task force for policy on public health Govt of Karnataka CAHO participated actively to give feedback on draft of the new biomedical waste management rules and regulations
Role in Promoting Skill Development Supported nurse practitioner course with ministry of health Facilitated Nurses for a Cause Facilitated MOU with HSSC
CAHO Certified Professional For Quality Implementation Training Mentors for Entry Level A 3 day course is being announced Minimum Criteria : 3 years in operations or quality First batch of 15 will be selected
Enhancing Visibility A revamped CAHO website is under construction @ CAHO Facebook page has regular posts on healthcare quality and patient safety. Please join
for a Safe Accredited to deliver Quality HEALTHCARE PROVIDER to search A CAHO & IBHAR INITIATIVE Getting PATIENTS FROM ACROSS THE WORLD to search for a Safe HEALTHCARE PROVIDER Accredited to deliver Quality
Search for an Accredited hospital Laboratory, blood bank
All caho member institutions Are automatically visible & available To anybody, anywhere in the world Please give your data Look forward to active support of sepc
Thanks We Thank Ibhar For Partnering This Initiative We Thank Qikwell For Attempting Data Collection
CAHO News Letter: 2nd Issue
Zonal Activities Feedback and discussion on the 4Th Edition of NABH Stndards ( Delhi, Chennai and Bangalore) CAHO conference on “Patient Safety” in association with Max Medicon (Delhi- Ghaziabad) at Hotel Kempinsky on 22nd November Nursing Excellence Meeting Planned in Kochi by AIMS & Aster DM
Partnership with NABL CAHO will be conducting a survey of accredited laboratories on impact of accreditation for NABL. CAHO conducts a quality conclave for medical laboratories as a part of CAHOCON Organized Program for “ Attaining & Maintaing Accreditation in Labs” in Delhi with Sir Ganga Ram Hospital and in Mumbai With Kokila Ben Hospital. NABL is technical partner for CAHOCON-2016.
Future Health of CAHO Strengthen Zonal Activities Volunteer to be ambassador of CAHO for your City/ State
CAHO Needs To: Identify products and services for the benefit of every hospital. Develop training programs and trainers Make accreditation more valuable for HCOs as well as community Make an impact at International Level We are more active in north and south…Lab section in the west not so much in east
Register and become a CAHO member
Thanks to active members of GC Thanks to Amit Tomer and Ms Lallu Joseph Thanks to institutions who have partnered with CAHO activities: Max Healthcare, Sir Ganga Ram, Fortis Escorts, Manipal, KIMS, Kokilaben Mumbai, Baptist Hospitals
THX DR Sahadulla, Dr Nagendra Swamy, Dr Narendra Nath Dr Sunny Kuruvilla DR VC Shanmuganathan Dr CV Anand
Sincere Thanks DR KK KALRA Mr ANIL RELIA Together We Can Make A Difference
Looking Forward to Seeing You All CAHOCON-2017 @NCR 8-9 April Looking Forward to Seeing You All