Excise for Manufacturers in Tally.ERP 9
Excise for Manufacturers in Tally.ERP 9 One Company- Multiple Excise Units Multiple Invoice Books Purchases (Raw Material/ Capital Goods) Purchase Returns (Rule 11 Invoice) Sales (Domestic/ Export-Duty Free/Export-Duty Chargeable/ Exempt/Special Rate) Rule 11 Invoice Captive Consumption Avail/ Adjust / Reverse CENVAT Credit GAR -7 Challan Pay Advance Excise Duty
Features of Excise for Manufacturers Manage excise duty computation for multiple units in single company Accurate excise duty calculation Compute and pay right amount on time Meets excise regulatory norms Excise, Statutory and MIS reports
Manage Multiple Units in Single Company In a single company you can manage: Multiple manufacturer units Combination of manufacturer and dealer units Facilitates excise unit-wise recording and tracking transaction
Accurate Excise Duty Calculation Excise duty calculation based on MRP Ad Valorem Ad Quantum or Nature of Purchase like manufacturer, importers, dealers etc. Provision to apportion the expenses to individual stock Items Provision to alter rate of duty for exemptions
Compute and Pay right amount on time Avail CENVAT credit during purchases or later Partial Full Pay advance excise duty and adjust towards duty payable Adjust CENVAT credit against Service Tax Excise Duty Reverse the Availed CENVAT Credit Excise computation at the click of a button Pre-filled GAR- 7 Challan for easy payment
Meets Excise regulatory norms Maintain more than one excise invoice book to record: Domestic Sales Exports (Duty Free) and Exports (Duty Chargeable) Exempt Captive Consumption (for further production of Goods) Special Rate in separate invoice book Generate Rule 11 invoice for: Sales Purchase Returns
Excise Reports Excise Computation Daily Stock Register (RG -1 Register) PLA Register Form ER 1/ ER 3 CENVAT Registers Credit Summary Credit Availed RG 23 Part I – for Principal Inputs and Capital Goods RG 23 Part II – for Principal Inputs and Capital Goods Annexure – 10 - for Principal Inputs and Capital Goods Abstract - for Principal Inputs and Capital Goods
Thank you Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 331 - 336, Raheja Arcade Koramangala Bangalore - 560 095 Tel : +91 (80) 30282559 Fax : +91 (80) 30287329 Email: sales@tallysolutions.com