Training of Individuals through Mobility from Uzbek Republic to EU Training of Individuals through Mobility from Uzbek Republic to EU Pulatov B.*, Wietsma E., Pulatov A. Bakhtiyor Pulatov, PhD Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration EcoGIS Center 100000, Qori Niyoziy, 39, Tashkent Uzbekistan
Content Introduction Implementation of TIMUR project Partnership development Future plans Conclusions
EcoGIS center agreement in 2003 Cooperative Agreement between the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources (MAWR) The State Committee for Nature Protection (SCNP) Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration (TIIM) Wageningen University and Research (WUR, the Netherlands)
Research areas of EcoGIS center, TIIM Uzbekistan Soil salinity assessment by RS and GIS tools Crop yield forecasting Forestry inventory Evapotranspiration estimation by RS Land use and cover estimation Soil erosion study Ground water quality and quantity mapping and modeling Soil quality Statistical methods for land survey
TIMUR Project
TIMUR Project
TIMUR Project The TIMUR project consortium consists out of 7 Uzbek universities and 13 EU universities Agricultural Science Climate Change Sustainable Energy Natural Science Social Science Geography focus on the triangle of education, research and innovation has been recognised as one of the priority areas
EU Universities Country № EU Universities Country 1 Wageningen University the Netherlands 2 Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Austria 3 University of Hohenheim Germany 4 Czech University of Life Sciences Czech Republic 5 Slovak University of Agriculture Slovak Republic 6 The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Sweden 7 Szent István Egyetem Hungary 8 Politecnico di Torino Italy 9 Montpellier University – SupAgro France 10 Georg-August-Universität Göttingen 11 University of Ljubljana Slovenia 12 University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Spain 13 Adam Mickiewicz University Poland
UZ Universities and Institutes № UZ Universities and Institutes Country 1 Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration Uzbekistan 2 National University of Uzbekistan 3 Karshi Engineering Economic Institute 4 Namangan Engineering Pedagogical Institute 5 Gulistan State University 6 Karakalpak State University 7 Kokand State Pedagogical Institute
№ Associates Countries 1 Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan Uzbekistan 2 Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan 3 ARGINATURA Czech Republic 4 Central Asian and S. Caucasus Consortium of Agri Univ for Dev. Uzbekistan 5 State Committee for Science & Technology Uzbekistan 6 Turin Politechnic University in Tashkent 7 Dacom bv the Netherlands
Uzbekistan universities mobility implementation
Bachelor TG3 CULS 6 months ago Khaydarov A. became a finalist and won of a start-up contest in Czech Republic
Uzbekistan universities mobility implementation
Internship TG3 Integrated Assessment of Ecosystem Services in Ugam Chatkal National Park, Uzbekistan
Wageningen University students coming to conduct their internship in Uzbekistan at EcoGIS Center, TIIM Gijs te Velthuis Loes Masselink
Partnership development TIMUR grantees is dealing with partnership building and improving cooperation between their host and home (coordination institutions) through choosing topics on Uzbekistan global and local Issues, Bridging host and home supervisors on establishing discussions on his/her thesis topic studies, writing articles, development research projects and others.
Cooperation between Uzbekistan grantees with EU partner universities TIMUR Grantees (PhD) Wageningen University University of Hohenheim Georg August University Gottingen University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Czech University of Life Science Slovak University of Agriculture Turino Polictecnico University Ivushkin K. Mirshodiev M. Sho’pulatov U. Allaeva L. Eshankulov R. Sharipov G. Erdanaev E. Juliev M. Yakubov A. Pirmatov D Aliev H.
Partnership development Participate in doublee degree program, TIIM Master degree 77% TG1 Participate in joint supervision Master degree 33% TG2 + TG3 PhD students 100% TG1 + TG2 Postdoc 91% TG1 + TG2 Staff 2/9 Jointly writting papers
General assembley
Scientific publications Joint scientific publications Erdanaev E., Kappas M., Pulatov A. and Klinge M., 2015. Short Review of Climate and Land Use change Impact on Land Degradation in Tashkent Province. International Journal of Geoinformatics, 11(4). Ivushkin, K., Bartholomeus, H., Bregt, A.K. and Pulatov, A. 2016. Satellite thermography for soil salinity assessment of cropped areas in Uzbekistan. Land Degradation & Development. Pulatov, A., Amanturdiev, S., Nazarov, K., Adilov, M. and Khaitov, B., 2016. Effect of biofertilizers on growth and yield of cotton in different soil conditions. Cotton Genomics and Genetics, 7. p.1-7 Pulatov, A., Húska, D., Abdullaev, D. and Hirsch, D., 2016. Reforms in Rural Development and their Influence on Agricultural Extension of Uzbekistan: Experience and Challenges in Water Management. Acta Regionalia et Environmentalica, 13(1), pp.1-5. Pulatov B., Jönsson A.M., Wilcke R.A.I, Linderson M., Hall K., Bärring L. 2016. Evaluation of the phenological synchrony between potato crop and Colorado potato beetle under future climate in Europe. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment vol. 224 p. 39–49 Pirmatov K., Pulatov, A., Horska, E. Comparative analysis of conventional and conservation agriculture. In The agri-food value chain: challenges for natural resources management and society: International scientific days 2016, May 19-20, 2016, Nitra, Slovak Republic, conference proceedings. Nitra : Slovak University of Agriculture. (2016), p. 156--162. Horska, E. Pulatov, A., K. Pirmatov K., Conservation agriculture as sustainable farming practice. In Trends in manufacturing and environmental technology of the 21st century. Zvolen: Technical University, 2016, s. 17. ISBN 978-80-228-2893-2 (brož.). Horska, E. Pulatov, A., K. Pirmatov K., Conservation agriculture as sustainable farming practice. In Acta Facultatis Technicae. 21, 2 (2016), p. 29--36. ISSN 1336-4472. Local scientific publications Pulatov B., Boohard X. and Pulatov A. 2016. Wheat Yield Forecasting using NDVI and crop statistics in Tashkent Province. Предсказания урожайности пшеницы на основе нормализированного вегетационного индекса (NDVI) и статистических данных по урожайности в Ташкентской области. Ирригация ва мелиорация журнали. № 4 (6). В печати. Герц Ж., Пулатов А. 2016. Сравнение методов классификации космических снимков Ландсат на примере АВП “Соф Ок Олтин”. Ирригация ва мелиорация журнали. № 4 (6). В печати. Reimov M.P., Pulatov A.S. 2016. Some aspects of ecosystem service analysis in lower Amudarya state biosphere reserve in Uzbekistan. Ирригация ва мелиорация журнали. № 3 (5). 64- б9 б. Герц Ж.В., Пулатов А.С. 2015. Оценка и мониторинг лесного покрова Ташкентской области с помощью ГИС технологий. Ирригация ва мелиорация журнали. № 2. 67- 71 б.
Scientific publications International conference publications Ivushkin K. 2016. Soil salinity assessment using Remote Sensing techniques. ERASMUS MUNDUS TIMUR General Assembly, 14–15 March 2016. Pirmatov K., Horska, E. Pulatov, A., K. Advantages of conservation agriculture: Preimuščestva sberegajuščego zemledelija. In Molodye issledovateli agropromyšlennogo i lesnogo kompleksov - regionam. Molochnoye : Vologodskaya Molochno-khozyaystvennaya Akademiya im. N.V. Vereshchagina. (2016), p. 14--21. ISBN 978-5-98076-210-0. Pulatov A., 2016. How Environmental Change in Central Asian Highlands Impacts High Elevation Communities: Case study in Ugam Chatkal National Natural Park, Uzbekistan. Bishkek, 14-15 April 2016 Pulatov A. 2016. Double Degree Master Program between Wageningen University and Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration. ERASMUS MUNDUS TIMUR General Assembly, 14–15 March 2016. Mirshodiev M. 2016. Land and Water use change assessment in Tashkent province, Uzbekistan ERASMUS MUNDUS TIMUR General Assembly, 14–15 March 2016. Khamidov M., Pulatov A. 2016. CASCADE countries educational reforms for quality of education., GFAR GCHERA 4ht Global Dialoge, South Africa. Cape Town, October 17-18. Local (Uzbekistan) conference publications Пулатов А. С., Эгамбердиев Н.Б., Умаров У.Т. Повышение плодородия засоленных почв путем применения роста стимулирующих и эффективных препаратов. Республика илмий-амалий семинар маърузалар туплами, . «Атроф мухит узгариши шароитида ер ресурсларини мухофаза килиш ва улардан окилона фойдаланиш» мавзусидаги республика илмий-амалий семинар маърузалар туплами, Тошкент, 2016 - 374-376 б. Пулатов А.С., Герц Ж.В, Козель Е. И. Изучение ландшафтов Угам - Чаткальского национального парка Республики Узбекистан помощью ГИС технологий. «Атроф мухит узгариши шароитида ер ресурсларини мухофаза килиш ва улардан окилона фойдаланиш» мавзусидаги республика илмий-амалий семинар маърузалар туплами, Тошкент, 2016 - 376-379 б. Фахрутдинова М.Ф.,Виетсма Е.Л.,Абдрахманов Т.А.,Жаббаров З.А.,Артиков Х.Р., Пулатов А.С. Узбекистон Миллий Университетининг олий таълим муассасалари билан хамкорлик алокалари. Атроф мухит узгариши шароитида ер ресурсларини мухофаза килиш ва улардан окилона фойдаланиш» мавзусидаги республика илмий-амалий семинар маърузалар туплами, Тошкент, 2016 – 498-502 б. Эгамбердиев Н.Б., Пулатов А.С., Хакимова П.А., Имьяминова Ш., Боиров А. Ресурс тежамкор технология кулланилган далаларда микроорганизм турларининг микдорий узгаришини урганиш. Атроф мухит узгариши шароитида ер ресурсларини мухофаза килиш ва улардан окилона фойдаланиш» мавзусидаги республика илмий-амалий семинар маърузалар туплами, Тошкент, 2016 – 551-554 б.
Video conference
Participate in European Geosciences Union
Slovak University of Agriculture
Future double degree and joint programs Start developing: Master program DD Slovak University of Agriculture Universität Hohenheim University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences PhD double degree Wageningen University Slovakia agriculture university Georg August University Gottingen Turino Polictecnico University
Conclusion Double degree signed and prolonged between TIIM and WUR in 2016 Currently after TIMUR, next to support Erasmus Mundus double degree program willingness to support UNDP FAO I.Karimov fund Joint supervison Parnership development
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