Macintosh & Linux Used to fill in pg 5 & 6 of “Operating Systems” Packet.


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Presentation transcript:

Macintosh & Linux Used to fill in pg 5 & 6 of “Operating Systems” Packet

PC VS Mac? Things the PC is good at: Things the Mac is good at: 1. Work 2. Numbers Things the Mac is good at: 1. Movies 2. Music 3. Photos 4. Fun

Macintosh Facts 1. 1984 – Apple introduced the Macintosh computer 2. Mac is credited with popularizing the “GUI - graphical user interface” 3. The Mac OS is preinstalled on every Mac computer 4. The original Mac was based on the Lisa OS

Macintosh GUI desktop

Macintosh Facts 5. Apple partnered with Microsoft and had Microsoft creating versions of Word & Excel for the Mac 6. Stickies are virtual “Post It Notes” 7. Most recent version of Mac Operating System is: Mac OS X

Macintosh stickies

Linux Desktop

Linux 1. Linux is comparable to: Windows & Mac OSX 2. Created in 1991 3. Linux is FREE: You can download and run it on your computer 4. 2 part Linux has: A kernel GUI

Linux 5. What makes Linux useful? GUI 6. Without GUI you would have to type in commands 7. A true desktop comes with: Tools, utilities, games, & other applications 8. The typical programs it includes are: Email, Office software, File sharing,

Non GUI Desktop

Linux 9. Five advantages: Disadvantages: Flexible (You control the way the desktop looks) FREE Secure (Very Safe - No Viruses) Future Value Reliable Disadvantages: You have to be able to figure the software out on your own