ARC DISCOVERY FUTURE FELLOWSHIPS Up to 200 Future Fellowships may be awarded for funding commencing in 2011 Objectives: a. attract and retain outstanding mid-career researchers; b. build collaboration across industry and/or research institutions and/or disciplines; c. support research in national priorities across all disciplines that will result in economic, environmental, social, health and/or cultural benefits for Australia; and d. strengthen Australia’s research capacity by supporting innovative, internationally competitive research.
FF Selection Criteria & Targeted Priority Areas - Funding Rules - Clause 4.3 Selection Criteria for Assessment & Ranking (a) FF Candidate 40% i. research opportunity and performance evidence (ROPE); ii. capacity to undertake the proposed research; iii. record of high quality research outputs appropriate to the discipline/s; iv. evidence of national and/or international research standing; and v. contribution to national and/or international public policy debates and initiatives.
4.3 FF Selection Criteria (b) Project Quality 35% i. does the research address a significant problem? ii. is the conceptual/theoretical framework innovative and original? iii. will the aims, concepts, methods and results advance knowledge? iv. are the design and methods appropriate? v. will the proposed research provide economic, environmental, social, health and/or cultural benefit to Australia? vi. is there a contribution to public policy formulation and debate? vii. does the proposed Project address National Research Priorities? viii. will the proposed Project contribute significantly to the advancement of knowledge in one or more of the targeted priority areas
4.3 FF Selection Criteria (c) Strategic Alignment / Collaboration 25% i. how well does the Future Fellowship Candidate align with and/or complement the research strengths or developing research strengths and staffing profile of the Administering Organisation? ii. are the necessary facilities to complete the proposed Project available? iii. are there adequate strategies to encourage dissemination, commercialisation, if appropriate; and promotion of research outcomes? iv. how will the Future Fellowship Candidate build collaboration across industry and/or research institutions and/or with other disciplines?
4.3 FF Targeted Priority Areas Targeted discipline areas computer science (not assessed); economics (applied/other 1); education (2/3); engineering (not assessed); English (creative writing 4, cultural studies 2, linguistics 2, literary studies 3); information science; nursing (3) allied health (public health 2, nutrition 2); political science (2). (ERA ranking)
Targeted research areas Asian studies; chemical and biological hazards; community and preventative health; computer system security, pattern recognition and data mining; environment and climate change; forensic science; immigration; Indigenous health and well-being; land-based transport systems; manufacturing innovation; safeguarding Australia (especially electronic security, surveillance and detection); social inclusion and systemic disadvantage.
4.4 FF Strategic Statement The Administering Organisation must provide a strategic statement within the Proposal which: a. details the existing and/or emerging research strengths of the Administering Organisation; b. describes how the Future Fellowship Candidate aligns with and/or complements the staffing profile of the Administering Organisation; c. outlines plans for integration of the Future Fellowship Candidate into the ongoing activities of the organisation at the end of the Fellowship; and d. is signed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), Chief Executive Officer or equivalent. Note: Copies of an example of a Strategic Statement available at the Workshop
DISCOVERY EARLY CAREER RESEARCHER AWARD - up to 200 DECRA awards each year. Proposed Conditions Eligibility based on time since PhD, (ECR’s are within 5 years of PhD conferral) Some types of career interruption will also be considered and may result in extension of eligibility Previous recipients of ARC Fellowships who meet the eligibility criteria of time since PhD may apply, including Australian Postdoctoral Fellowship (APD) recipients There will not be a Pre-Submission Eligibility Exemption Request process Eligible Organisations list will be broader than for Discovery Projects for funding in 2012 Only a single researcher may apply on each Proposal A researcher may hold a DECRA and one ARC Discovery Projects grant (including as a sole Chief Investigator) Funding will be available at a fixed amount for up to three years from the ARC Funding will be provided to support salary and project costs (up to $25,000 per yr?) Selection Criteria will be specific to this scheme – and has not yet released by the ARC…..
Assessment Criteria compared Assessment weightings DECRA DP FF Investigator/Track Record (20%)? 40% Project quality (50%)? 35% Research environment/Institutional commitment - 20% Strategic alignment/Collaboration 25% Institutional support (30%)?
FF & DECRA - IMPORTANT DATES ARC DECRA & FF for funding in 2011/12 Due Dates : DECRA12 Due Dates : FF11 ARC DECRA Scheme opens in RMS TBA Funding Rules released February 2011 TBA – March 2011 Funding Rules released 14 February 2011 Eligibility Exemption Requests Due in RMS N/A 9 March 2011 Flinders Quality Review Process & Feedback to Researchers: Coordinated by RSO 13 April 23 March RSO Compliance Review 13 April – mid May 23 March – 13 April Closes in RMS TBA ~ Mayish??? 20 April 2011
ARC WEBSITE Future Fellowships 2011 Funding Rules http://www.arc.gov.au/ncgp/futurefel/ft_fundingrules.htm Information regarding the proposed new DECRA scheme is available at the DECRA page. http://www.arc.gov.au/ncgp/decra.htm ARC Research Management System (RMS) register RMS ID Login to RMS to create, edit & submit proposals, rejoinders, eligibility requests http://www.arc.gov.au/applicants/system_default.htm
RSO Contacts Contact Kavitha Subramaniam (x15173) for Certification Form assistance, and RMS ID assistance Contact Christine Maher (x12045) for assistance with Funding Rules, eligibility etc ALL Applications MUST be accompanied by a fully signed Flinders Certification Form, and relevant ARC Certification Forms: http://www.flinders.edu.au/shadomx/apps/fms/fmsdownload.cfm?file_uuid=E57846C4-D516-1620-8888-7370627892DE&siteName=flinders 13