Inspection of stock materials for defects - To be able to identify and use a range of methods to check and maintain quality during manufacture - To be able to consider the impact of QA/QC in relation to manufacture of a product Quality Control This is a way or system to prevent mistakes or defects happening in manufactured products and avoiding problems. This can be done by the use of measuring tools or by the use of jigs and templates when repeating a process. Quality Assurance The maintenance of a desired level of quality in a machine or product especially doing every stage of the process of production. This can be as simple as check the correct drill piece is used, to a regular maintain and servicing of a machine. Inspection of stock materials for defects As well as checking that the machines and tools are correct and ready to use the materials use also need to be checked for defects. Defects can be a wraps or twisted piece or timber, a dented or bend bar of metal, or cracked and discolour plastic
Callipers/a pair of callipers is a device used to measure the - To be able to identify and use a range of methods to check and maintain quality during manufacture - To be able to consider the impact of QA/QC in relation to manufacture of a product CALIPERS Callipers/a pair of callipers is a device used to measure the A calliper can be as simple as a compass with inward or outward-facing points. The tips of the calliper are adjusted to fit across the points to be measured, the calliper is then removed and the distance read by measuring between the tips with a measuring tool, such as a ruler. VERNIER CALIPERS Vernier callipers give a direct reading of the distance measured with high accuracy and precision. They are functionally identical, with different ways of reading the result. These callipers comprise a calibrated scale with a fixed jaw, and another jaw, with a pointer, that slides along the scale.
The image shows a plain plug gauge used to check the size of a hole. - To be able to identify and use a range of methods to check and maintain quality during manufacture - To be able to consider the impact of QA/QC in relation to manufacture of a product MICROMETER A micrometer sometimes known as a micrometer screw gauge, is a device incorporating a calibrated screw widely used for precise measurement of components in mechanical engineering and machining GO/NO GO GAUGE The image shows a plain plug gauge used to check the size of a hole. The green end is the go, and the red end is the no-go. The tolerance of the part that this gauge checks is 0.30 mm, where the lower size of the hole is 12.60 mm and the upper size is 12.90 mm, every size outside this range is out of tolerance.
Other tools to maintain quality during manufacture: - To be able to identify and use a range of methods to check and maintain quality during manufacture - To be able to consider the impact of QA/QC in relation to manufacture of a product Other tools to maintain quality during manufacture: Mitre saws/mitre blocks – aids the accurate cutting of a 45 degree angle. Jigs – aids the accurate repetition of a processes such as welding, drilling, etc. Templates/Pattern – aids the accurate marking out of a shape in a piece of material .
Other tools to maintain quality during manufacture: - To be able to identify and use a range of methods to check and maintain quality during manufacture - To be able to consider the impact of QA/QC in relation to manufacture of a product Other tools to maintain quality during manufacture: Mitre saws/mitre blocks – aids the accurate cutting of a 45 degree angle. Jigs – aids the accurate repetition of a processes such as welding, drilling, etc. Templates/Pattern – aids the accurate marking out of a shape in a piece of material .