WCRP-GCOS International Data Prize WDAC5, Asheville, 7-8 April M WCRP-GCOS International Data Prize WDAC5, Asheville, 7-8 April M. Rixen, mrixen@wmo.int Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues, Thank you very much for the opportunity to provide you with a brief overview of a new initiative of the World Climate Research Programme: the WCRP Polar Challenge
Outline WCRP-WWRP Model Development Prize Survey of existing data prizes A possible WCRP-GCOS niche for an International Data Prize covering: Young scientists Climate data Science impact Community engagement
WCRP/WWRP International Prize for Model Development Awarded annually (started in 2014) Outstanding contribution to weather and climate model development: demonstrable impact on model results Impact on the community Early- to mid-career researcher (<10 years of PhD) Award: certificate and travel support
IEDA/Elsevier International Data Rescue Award in the Geosciences http://www.elsevier.com/physical-sciences/earth-and-planetary-sciences/the-2015-international-data-rescue-award-in-the-geosciences http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214242815000200 Created to improve prospects for preservation and access of research data, particularly of dark data, and share the varied ways that these data are being processed, stored and used Potential difficulty with Elsevier, data rescue only, not ECS specific
NOAA David Johnson Award for Outstanding Innovative Use of Earth Observation Satellite Data http://www.osd.noaa.gov/johnson/awards.htm Created in 1999, the NOAA David Johnson Award is presented to young professionals who developed an innovative application of Earth observation satellite data that can be used for operational purposes. The nominee must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and no more than 40 years of age.
ICSU-WDS Data Stewardship Award: https://www.icsu-wds.org/community/data-stewardship-award The WDS Data Stewardship Award highlights exceptional contributions to the improvement of scientific data stewardship by early career researchers through their (1) engagement with the community, (2) academic achievements, and (3) innovations. Not climate specific
RDA 6th Plenary Climate Change Data Challenge https://rd-alliance.org/plenary-6-climate-change-data-challenge.html As a part of this special focus Cap Digital & RDA have created a special Data Challenge designed to connect Climate Change related Data Sets with startups, SMEs and larger organizations with practical application for these data. Apparently irregular; science-to-business focus
AGU - Charles S. Falkenberg Award http://honors.agu.org/medals-awards/charles-s-falkenberg-award/ Awarded annually to one honoree in “recognition of an early- to middle-career scientist who has contributed to the quality of life, economic opportunities and stewardship of the planet through the use of Earth science information and to the public awareness of the importance of understanding our planet.” Established in 2002 and jointly sponsored with the Earth Science Information Partnership (ESIP) Can have (and had, in recent years) a data focus, not climate specific
CODATA prize http://codata.org/blog/2014/05/26/codata-prize-2014-call-for-nominations-for-outstanding-achievement-in-the-world-of-scientific-and-technical-data/ The CODATA Prize is a major biennial award made by the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) which is an interdisciplinary body of ICSU. This award acknowledges outstanding achievement in the world of scientific and technical data; recognises work carried out in fields of importance to scientific and technical data, such as data management, evaluation, dissemination, access issues, international cooperation, knowledge discovery, archiving or related subjects. Neither early nor mid-career; irregular intervals, can be any field, although Earth science is well represented, not climate specific
ESIP Martha Maiden Lifetime Achievement Award for Service to the Earth Science Information Community http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Martha_Maiden_Award Established in 2009 to recognize outstanding service to the Earth science information community. This award honors individuals who have demonstrated leadership, dedication and a collaborative spirit in advancing the field of Earth Science information. For lifetime achievement; not specifically data-set focused
AGU ESSI Leptoukh Lecture: http://honors.agu.org/section-named-lecture/leptoukh-lecture-earth-and-space-science-informatics/ In 2012, the Earth and Space Science Informatics Focus Group has established the Leptoukh Lecture to recognize advances in these fields and their contributions to Earth and space science. The Leptoukh Lecture aims to identify and support achievements in the computational and data sciences. For AGU members only; no specific career phase, lecture "only”, not climate specific
Summary To our knowledge, no existing match for a ECS+climate data+impact+community engagement Any other prizes the Council may know about? If not, there is a likely niche for a WCRP-GCOS International Data Prize Action for WDAC: consider endorsement Follow WCRP-WWRP Modeling Prize scheme Schedule? All domains every year?