Hitler and Nazi Germany Handout Notes
Bell Ringer List everything you can think of regarding Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany. Lists, bullet points, phrases, pictures, anything you can think of!
Germany After WWI New gov’t – Weimar Republic – Democratic Weak – many groups fight for power ToV cripples Germany War guilt, reparations, lost territory, hyperinflation Great Depression adds problems
Adolf Hitler Age 18 – Rejected from art school in Vienna Anti-Semitic – hatred of Jews Fought in WWI Became leader of Nazi Party “Brown Shirts” - combat squads (Storm Troopers)
Road to Power 1923 – Beer Hall Putsch Coup failed, Hitler jailed Mein Kampf (My Struggle) – Hitler’s ideas Master race, anti-Semitism, nationalism Demands Lebensraum (living space) Germany needed a strong leader (Fuhrer) Popularity increases, Nazi gain power Hitler elected chancellor - 1933
Hitler’s Germany Followed Mussolini’s model in Italy Recalled past German greatness Secret police – SS, Gestapo Outlawed other political parties Gov’t work programs –roads, houses, forests Rearmed German military Women’s role limited
Nazi Culture “Strength through Joy” – preparation for military Racism in speeches, radio, newspapers Purify German culture No jazz (African roots), modern art (Jewish influence) Book burnings (All Quiet on the Western Front) Christianity = weak All churches Nazi Church = racism
Campaign Against the Jews 1935 – Nuremberg Laws Jews couldn’t marry non-Jews Couldn’t attend/teach at German Schools No government jobs Couldn’t practice law/medicine No publishing books Many Jews flee Germany Kristallnacht – Night of Broken Glass Nazi mobs destroy/loot Jewish businesses/homes Begin using concentration camps for Jews