CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Science What is science for you? What kinds of things are you going to learn this scholastic year?
These are some common questions asked from students to their lecturer and usually students are scared about this topic. This only depends when students doesn’t want to take interest in the subject. Others fear about mathematics problems. Well in this course you are going to find mathematics problems but not difficult ones.
Science is divided into different subjects, the most important being Physics, Chemistry and Biology. All these three subjects require a bit of knowledge in Mathematics.
Physics is the study of natural phenomena Physics is the study of natural phenomena. Things such as mechanics, heat, wave behavior, electricity and magnetism, nuclear physics, and particle physics all are important in the study of physics.
Chemistry involves the study of minerals, liquids, and geological structures. In general chemistry is useful especially in medicine since medicine is the result of many combinations of minerals and liquids.
Biology mainly involves the study of anatomy (i. e Biology mainly involves the study of anatomy (i.e. human body and all living things). This subject is very important since involves our life. All these three subjects, together form the subject called Science. During this course we are going to cover some aspects from all these three subjects and try to improve on some of them, especially those involved in your course.
The different disciplines in science developed for various reasons The different disciplines in science developed for various reasons. Scientists challenged their investigations towards specific things. Universities and the established scientific community developed compartmentalized institutions.
BUT all things are interrelated BUT all things are interrelated. Distinctions and divisions among major branches of science are often arbitrary and confining. Branches within the disciplines (i.e., biophysics, geophysics, etc.) have developed in recognition of the need to examine things in different ways-the famous holistic approach.
Observation is an essential part of science Observation is an essential part of science. By observing the world around us, key questions can be raised. This might lead to experimentation, in which more observations are made, leading in turn to more questions. Physics is an unending exploration of discovery. New things are always being learned.
Matter and its Organization Some of the subjects we are going to cover this year are; Measure of SCIENCE Matter and its Organization Temperature Energy and Energy Flow Forces Electricity
Research Work 1 Build up your notes by starting working from the first day of the course. The first research work is; Explain what the word PHYSICS means for you. Give reasons and examples. The use of pictures will be much more appreciated. Note; these are going to be your future notes. So pay attention each lesson, to build your own notes.