Information Sharing Gateway Lancs & Cumbria IG Group / LPRES / University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay
The Problem 2013 difficulty of maintaining an up to date register of agreements and signatories the requirement to support smaller organisations with a common platform of supporting IG documentation e.g. best practice exemplar documents, templates, training and processes to support information sharing the difficulty of accessing an up to date position on information sharing agreements the bureaucratic burden of obtaining signatures from sharing partners, which adds no value but is very time consuming the administrative overheads of regular review of sharing agreements
More problem Confusion with different templates and formats, often revised and re-written (added value?) Particularly if working X-sector Not well suited to interoperable / integrated systems (clearly defined data flows, frequently subject to incremental change as the technical capability builds)
The Solution (by IG leads, for IG leads) We should work electronically Register and provide assurance by organisation Sign up to common standards of working (Tier 1) Capture, risk assess and approve flows in a system Manage, report and review flows in the system Understand where your risks are Publish the flows so transparency for public ‘Invest time in actions that add value’
More solution Asset register (shop window) Internal data flows as well as shared (for one stop reporting) (Import csv from Bart’s Tool) ALL flows – whatever the medium, inc paper Potential to link to electronic HIE platforms via interface engine?
The Cavalry (Pioneer site) NW Coast AHSN A few ££s
The Work Health (inc NWAS), LAs, Police reps from L&C IG Group formed a Development Group UHMB Project Team and Developer Consultant (former ICO) Agile Development since November 2014
The Results (so far…) 2 websites (sandpit and live) ‘soft launch’ of organisational registration, MoU sign-up, dataflow summary in live Risk assessment coding – in place Then reports, dashboard etc The rest… publication, links with electronic systems Governance in place – Security statement, T&Cs.
More info? is our ‘work in progress’ sandpit system We are testing and trying out our ideas in it currently – you can have a look. Please get in touch
Login Screen
Main Screen
Organisation Details
Organisation Assurance
Organisation Users
Sponsored Organisations
Inventory List
Individual Data Inventory
Data Sharing List
Individual Data Sharing Summary
Individual Data Summary Cont.
Data Flow
Data Flow(ctd.)
Privacy (ctd.)
Risk Assessment - Outcome
Resources (ctd.)