PROGRAMMED LEARNING MATERIAL ( PLM) Ashima Deshmukh unit 6.3 IDOL, University of Mumbai Co-ordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari , Deputy Director Academic & Mandar Bhanushe, Assist Prof, IDOL, University of Mumbai
Programmed learning, is an educational technique characterized by self-paced, self-administered instruction presented in logical sequence and with much repetition of concepts. Programmed learning received its major impetus from the work done in the mid-1950s by the American behavioural psychologist B.F.Skinner It is based on the theory that learning in many areas is best accomplished by small, incremental steps with immediate reinforcement, or reward, for the learner. Co-ordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari , Deputy Director Academic & Mandar Bhanushe, Assist Prof, IDOL, University of Mumbai
There are two basic types of programming are used: linear, or straight-line programming, and branching programming. Linear Programming immediately reinforces student responses that approach the learning goal. Linear Programming Responses that do not lead toward the goal go unreinforced. Each bit of learning is presented in a “frame,” and a student who has made a correct response proceeds to the next frame. All students work through the same sequence, and a low rate of error is necessary to ensure continued positive reinforcement of correct responses. Co-ordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari , Deputy Director Academic & Mandar Bhanushe, Assist Prof, IDOL, University of Mumbai
Branched programming or intrinsic, programming, was initially developed in conjunction with the use of an electronic training device for military personnel. This technique provides the student a piece of information, presents a situation requiring a multiple choice or recognition response, and on the basis of that choice instructs the student to proceed to another frame, where he or she learns if the choice was correct, and if not, why not. Co-ordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari , Deputy Director Academic & Mandar Bhanushe, Assist Prof, IDOL, University of Mumbai
Co-ordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari , Deputy Director Academic & Mandar Bhanushe, Assist Prof, IDOL, University of Mumbai
Branched programming A student who responded incorrectly will either be returned to the original frame, or routed through a subprogram designed to remedy the deficiency indicated by the wrong choice Co-ordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari , Deputy Director Academic & Mandar Bhanushe, Assist Prof, IDOL, University of Mumbai
Branched Programming A student can advance to the next frame in the program if he/she answers correctly. This process is repeated throughout the program and students are exposed to differing amounts of material depending upon errors made. Co-ordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari , Deputy Director Academic & Mandar Bhanushe, Assist Prof, IDOL, University of Mumbai
It is based on his theory of verbal behavior as a means to accelerate and increase conventional educational learning. Programmed instruction is the name of the technology invented by the behaviourist B.F. Skinner to improve teaching. Programmed instruction is used for learning content that is repeatedly used by teachers through computers. Co-ordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari , Deputy Director Academic & Mandar Bhanushe, Assist Prof, IDOL, University of Mumbai
The difference between programmed instruction (PI) and programmed learning (PL) is that PI is intended to modify behavior, whereas PL is used for teaching facts and skills. To the behavioral psychologist the learning of facts and skills are definitely modifications of behavior. Personalized System of Instruction or (PSI), developed by Fred S. Keller, was another idea for how to incorporate programmed learning into the classroom. PSI was conceived of as an application ofSkinner's theories of learning, grounded in operant conditioning strategies of behaviorism. Personalized System of Instruction Co-ordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari , Deputy Director Academic & Mandar Bhanushe, Assist Prof, IDOL, University of Mumbai
Principles of Personalized System of Instruction (PSI) Written materials—The primary presentation of new content should be through written texts. Digital media provides the same kind of learner control which could be incorporated in the implementation of PSI. Co-ordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari , Deputy Director Academic & Mandar Bhanushe, Assist Prof, IDOL, University of Mumbai
Units of content—Subject matter material should be broken down into separable, meaningful units. Unit mastery—Students must satisfy a mastery requirement in one unit before proceeding to the next. Typically, a unit in PSI would have more than one equivalent form of assessment. These units could have various kinds of relationships; for example, one could provide prerequisites for understanding a second, or the second could provide deeper elaboration of a proceeding unit. In any case, specific learning objectives should be definable for each discrete unit of content. Co-ordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari , Deputy Director Academic & Mandar Bhanushe, Assist Prof, IDOL, University of Mumbai
Benefits of teacher or tutor in programmed learning Self-paced instruction—Students should be allowed to advance through the course material at their own pace. While an instructor might specify the order in which learning units are completed, the learners should decide when and at what rate they learn. Learners could move through a course as quickly or slowly as they choose. Teachers or programmed machines would certify mastery, discuss areas of weakness, feedback through social interaction with teachers, peers and discussion forums Co-ordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari , Deputy Director Academic & Mandar Bhanushe, Assist Prof, IDOL, University of Mumbai
Combining Programmed Instruction and Constructivism The aspects of constructivism that can be incorporated into a tutorial software package are: (1) activating student's prior experiences and knowledge; (2) having the learner create knowledge structures as they move through the material (such as graphic organizers); (3) giving the learner a choice of example types and problems; and (4) providing real world problems for structured domains (where one correct answer or a finite number of known answers are expected). Co-ordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari , Deputy Director Academic & Mandar Bhanushe, Assist Prof, IDOL, University of Mumbai
Latest trends in programmed learning Adding Constructivist theory to the basic knowledge for students in a programmed learning Instruction assists them in furthering their prior knowledge and make them aware of their own construction of knowledge. Allowing students to choose examples and problems and providing real- world problems also contributes to a more efficient learning environment Co-ordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari , Deputy Director Academic & Mandar Bhanushe, Assist Prof, IDOL, University of Mumbai
REFERENCES Instructional Design & Learning Theory, Toward Combining Programmed Instruction and Constructivism for Tutorial Design, Programmed Instruction, Co-ordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari , Deputy Director Academic & Mandar Bhanushe, Assist Prof, IDOL, University of Mumbai