Wellbeing Support Plans Justin Walsh
Not perfect – still a work in progress The GOAL: Produce quality behaviour support plans that could be easily written by teachers. Use best practice in developing these plans with knowledge gained through DET PD/Monash University, Aspect Autism, Autism Partnerships Australia and AMAZE. Make the plans easily accessible and usable so that the school can ensure 100% of students have a wellbeing plan that meets their needs. Ensure consistency in planning. Ensure staff can share and follow each others’ plans. Not perfect – still a work in progress
Learnings from yesterday: Attributes of autism Greater support requirements The whisper behind the person’s name Anxiety support plans, depression support plans Set up wins
The Southern Autistic School’s Wellbeing Plans: A package that teachers can use - supported by training in the use of tools to assess and address behaviours of concern; Consistency in the school’s philosophy around the way we support our students; and A focus on providing students with the skills and resources to reduce the need for behaviours of concern. Through the Encouragement Program Southern Autistic School has a history of positive behaviour support.
More than behaviour support. The goal is to improve the students quality of life through skill development. The ‘challenge’ is the challenge students experience. The challenge for us is to understand – What does the student want/need? How can we help them to get it?
Southern Autistic School’s wellbeing planning: Is based on data and observation Encourages students to perform at their best Is individualised Puts resources where they are needed Is proactive Provides flexibility in programming Finds ways to engage students in learning Is supportive of students with ASD Seeks consistency between the school and home through communication
Southern Autistic School’s wellbeing planning: Is based on data and observation Encourages students to perform at their best Is individualised Puts resources where they are needed Is proactive Provides flexibility in programming Finds ways to engage students in learning Is supportive of students with ASD Seeks consistency between the school and home through communication
Far from a stand alone program Supported by: Communication goals and plans Alert program – self regulation Personal and Interpersonal learning outcomes Speech and Occupational Therapy
Reader should be able to re-enact the behaviour.
The complexity of ASD.
Writing the plan
Hypothesis. Although complex, only a couple of simple questions need to be answered: What is child trying to communicate? What skills does the child require to be successful? Provide the tools and skills they need to have a go. teachers