30 October 2016, Kigali, Rwanda Country Team Members: Insert names


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Presentation transcript:

30 October 2016, Kigali, Rwanda Country Team Members: Insert names Photo: Mark Kaye/Save the Children Leveraging the Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network: building regional platforms to promote learning on how to address malnutrition The Learning Route in Rwanda EXPERIENCE FAIR 30 October 2016, Kigali, Rwanda Country Team Members: Insert names

Partnership for Nutrition in Tanzania SUN CSO Network in Tanzania (PANITA) SUN CSO Network in Tanzania SUN Civil Society Efforts | October 2016

Nutrition situation in Tanzania Current Nutrition Situation in Tanzania according (TDHS 2015/16) 34 % of children under 5 are STUNTED ( low height for age) 5 % of children under 5 are WASTED (Wasting -Wt/Ht) 7 % of children under 5 are born with LOW BIRTH WEIGHT (under 2.5 kg) 41 % of babies 0 – 6 months ARE NOT EXCLUSIVELY BREATHFED FOR 6 MONTHS. 58 % of children under 5 are ANEMIC 45 % of Women of reproductive age (15 – 49 years) in Tanzania are ANEMIC . 36% of women of reproductive age (15 – 49 years) are IODINE DEFICIENCY. 33% of children under five are VITAMIN A DEFICIENCY. 9% of adult are DIABETIC Sources; Tanzania Demographic Household Survey (TDSH) 2010 and 2015 – 2016. 2012 STEPS Survey of Chronic Disease Risk Factors in Tanzania. Photo: Caroline Trutmann/Save the Children SUN Civil Society Efforts | October 2016

Nutrition situation in Tanzania Trend of nutrition status in Tanzania 1992 - 2014 Photo: Caroline Trutmann/Save the Children SUN Civil Society Efforts | October 2016

The key National interventions to tackle malnutrition in Tanzania Key interventions. Vitamin A Supplementation for Children under five. Iron Folic Acid Supplementation for pregnant women. Infant Young Children Feeding Programs e.g. Promoting breastfeeding Regulations for food fortification on designated baby food products, salt, wheat/maize flour and edible oils Integrated Management Acute Malnutrition. Nat(Tackling Malnutrition in a team effort) SUN Civil Society Efforts | October 2016

Challenges to tackle malnutrition in Tanzania. Main Challenges Low investment in nutrition (financial, human resources, technological) Lack of meaningful data at district level to support evidence based advocacy Lesson learnt The high political will on nutrition at the top brass of leadership is not translated itself at the regional and district level, thus lack of prioritization of nutrition issues in district plans and budgets. SUN Civil Society Efforts | October 2016

Presentation of the CSA PANITA Partnership for Nutrition in Tanzania a SUN CSA Network in Tanzania, it is a coalition of over 300 diverse organizations both Local and International CSOs across the country dedicated to building the political and public will and support as well as intervene to end malnutrition in Tanzania. It was established in 2010 through technical and financial support from Save the Children International (SCI), UNICEF and Irish Aid. SUN Civil Society Efforts | October 2016

Key intervention areas of the CSA and key achievements High level advocacy (National & International) Advocate for increased prioritization of nutrition & domestic resources Allocation to key pillars of the Government; Vice President, Ministers Deputy Speaker & Members of Parliament Conduct Subnational level advocacy Role of Nutrition in Development agenda- Key component to achieve sustainable country growth (5yrs Dev. Plan) Membership development and engagement Members capacity building enable cross learning among themselves. Photo: Caroline Trutmann/Save the Children SUN Civil Society Efforts | April 2016

Key intervention area of the CSA and key achievements Key achievements - High level advocacy (National & International) Inclusion of Nutrition as key component of Country Five years Development plan (2016-2020) Through PANITA advocacy awareness on nutrition among decision makers is increasing e.g. Speech of Finance and Planning Minister at 2016 World Bank Human capital Summit Circular to councils to allocate 500Tshs per under five for Nutrition (all sectors) Tanzania has managed to develop its first National Multi-sectoral Nutrition Action Plan 2016 – 2021 with common Results framework and indicator tracking. PANITA efforts have been recognized and receives continuous support from the Government Government commitment to Allocate $115 Million for the NMNAP- From its own sources at the Word Bank Human Capital Summit-Recently. PANITA assisted the Members of Parliament Group on Nutrition Food Security and Child rights, to develop three years’ strategic plan and Political Manifesto of All political parties during last year’s General election. PANITA with CSO platform from PERU have been taken as model CSO platform under the SUN Learning. Photo: Caroline Trutmann/Save the Children SUN Civil Society Efforts | April 2016

Key intervention area of the CSA and key achievements Key achievements - Membership development and engagement PANITA has managed to map and build capacity of over 200 members on advocacy skills and SUN processes as well as implementation of specific and sensitive nutrition interventions. Improved ability on Advocacy and resource tracking to Members who sit in District Nutrition Steering Committee (DNSC). following several of Trainings on advocacy, communication and resource tracking to members. Improved ability to plan & execute coordination activities, capacity building in leadership, communication and advocacy skills for both secretariat and zonal Coordinators of PANITA. PANITA operates in all the regions in Tanzania through 306 members; activities are coordinated in the 10 geographical Zones; Photo: Caroline Trutmann/Save the Children SUN Civil Society Efforts | April 2016

The most influential nutrition stakeholders in Tanzania. SUN Civil Society Efforts | October 2016

CSA call For Action Statements The Government should implement its commitments in funding nutrition from domestic source. The councils should increase nutritional budget from Tsh. 500.00 to Tsh. 20,000.00 per child by 2030 The government should fasten the review of National Food and Nutrition policy. SUN Civil Society Efforts | October 2016

Thank you! Photo: Adam Hinton/Save the Children