Status of national system for control of radioactive sources: TANZANIA Sustaining Cradle-to-Grave Control of Radioactive Sources (INT-9182) Workshop on implementation of a national cradle-to-grave control system for radioactive sources IAEA, Vienna, 13 – 17 March 2017, Room C1 Status of national system for control of radioactive sources: TANZANIA Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management Unit Waste and Environmental Safety Section (WES), Division of Radiation Transport and Waste Safety (NSRW) Department of Nuclear Safety and Security
National bodies responsible for radioactive sources The regulatory body -Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission (TAEC) is under the Ministry of Education Science and Technology TAEC is responsible for control safety and security of all radioactive sources in the country The prime responsibility for safety is under the Users/licensee Waste management organisation: Central Radioactive Waste Management Facility (CRWMF) Others; Tanzania Police Force, TRA (Customs) &Tanzania Peoples Defence Forces Gaps: overlap between regulator and promotor
Legal & regulatory framework for radioactive sources Policy and strategy; draft national policy and strategy for radioactive waste management Laws: Atomic Energy Act, No.7, 2003- under review Regulations: Radioactive Waste Management, 1999, Atomic Energy (Protection from IR), 2004, Atomic Energy (Radiation Safety in Mining & processing of radioactive ores), 2011,
Legal & regulatory framework for radioactive sources Packaging and Transport of Radioactive materials, 2011, Atomic Energy (Fees and Charges) and 2011. 3 policies and procedures (authorization; inspection and enforcement). Authorisations/registrations; all Rs must be licensed Gaps: Rs own by TAEC are not yet licensed.
Use of radioactive sources in the country National inventory of radioactive sources in use Use Source category Number of radioactive source Radiotherapy (C0-60) I 3 Irradiators (i.e. research) 1 SSDL II 2 Industrial radiography (NDT) Radiation gauges and Well logging III, IV & V 338 TOTAL RS: 347
Use of radioactive sources in the country All users are required to obtain a licence for the purpose of importing, exporting, transporting transfer of ownership and possessing and use from TAEC What is the status of any national register and or national inventory of sources? RAIS 3.3. web is used TAEC is responsible to licence all R. sources in the country
Arrangements for disused sources Orphan and DS sources are stored in Central Radioactive Waste Management Facility (CRWMF) at Arusha; Licensee is required to submit contract for returning source to manufacture; No disposal facility
Arrangements for disused sources Status of security over sources security of high risk radiation sources with category 1 and 2 upgrades with support of Global Threat Reduction Initiative (GTRI) of the United States; Facilities include;- CRWM, Calibration Laboratory, Cancer Institute’s as well as the Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Research Institute’s irradiation facility.
Key issues and national needs What is the most important issue in the country with respect to the safety of radioactive sources? establish and implement an integrated management system consistent with the latest IAEA safety standard Equipment for inspecting radiotherapy Fellowship to staff on inspection of radiotherapy facility What plans are in place to resolve the issues? purchasing some of equipment, mentoring What do you want to gain from this meeting? I am expecting to lean from others on Control of Radioactive Sources from Cradle-to-Grave
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