University of Rwanda-One Health Students’ Club
Background… Originally, this club started as a group of students from the former Umutara Polytechnic and Nyagatare School of Nursing and Midwifery, hence the name Umutara Polytechnic and Nyagatare School of Nursing and Midwifery One Health Styudents Club. As Rwanda has instituted One public University and campuses platform, the name Umutara Polytechnic changed and became University of Rwanda-Nyagatare Campus. Hence, the club took this identity and became University of Rwanda-One Health students Club to combine all the disciplines where both undergraduates and graduates students from the University of Rwanda belong.
Who supports the club? These activities are all supported by One Health Central and Eastern Africa (OHCEA) Rwanda country office under the USAID Emerging Pandemic Threat Program. One Health Central and Eastern Africa (OHCEA) is a network of fourteen Public Health and Veterinary Higher Education Institutions that are located in six countries in the Eastern and Central Africa region, a region that includes the Congo Basin that is considered to be a “Hot Spot” for emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases. Each country has a One Health Students Club
The Club’s Launch One Health Students Club was launched on 14th of May 2013, in presence of Prof. Katey Pelican from Minesota University (USA), Coordinator of University of Rwanda-Nyagatare Campus, Dr. Gashumba James; Coordinator of Nyagatare School of Nursing and Midwifery; Dr. Robinson Mdegela from Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania; Dr. Serge Nzietchueng from University of Minnesota, Dr. Robert Kibuuka, focal person of OHCEA in Rwanda,and Dr. Zimurinda Justin, a representative from Rwanda Agriculture Board
Club’s Launch
Club’s Logo
Our Vision To live in a sustainable healthy environment without zoonotic diseases through a multi disciplinary approach. Our Mission To minimize the risks of zoonotic disease emergence and spread of existing and new pandemic diseases.
Objectives To support the One Health Initiative through organized involvement and collaboration with the environmental, public, and animal health communities. To support programs that endeavor to reduce human and animal disease and disability and improve human and animal population well-being. To strive to improve communication, encourage collaboration, and enhance integration of animal, human, and environmental health for the benefit of all.
Our Values Integrity and respect others. Excellence Hard working
The club and the society Among its usual programs, OHSC impacts changes in to communities where club members outreach people within their respective communities and teach them on various behaviors and precautions to follow in order to make changes in their lives in the aim of preventing zoonoses transmission.
Activities done Rabies Campaign
Malnutrition and Household hygiene campaign
The Club visited Refugees camps in the eastern province of Rwanda
Women seminar
Intercollege workshop
Akagera National Park Rwinkwavu Hospital Gahini MCC
Opportunities Attending International Conferences
Increased eligibility for Fellowships with One/Global health domain Participants are considered due to a One Health Background They are recommended by One Health Central and East African committee Focal Person
OHSC Students gain sponsorship for their further studies Scholarships for MSc OHSC Students gain sponsorship for their further studies There are always call for Application…. NEW Announcement: An opportunity for One Health scholarships in Edinburgh…..Msc Studies
Opportunities to network
UR-OHSC in the News Letters
UC Davis Students for One Health and University of Rwanda Host International One Health Conference for Students
UR-OHSC Leadership structure
Focal person Dr. Robert Kibuuka Links and advocates Funds for the University of Rwanda-one Health Students Club
How to become a member? Be an alumnus or student of the UR Shown interest in participating in the OHSC activities Submit an application letter to the UR-OHSC (An application form is on the club’s website) Form:
Where to submit Applications? Submit your letter of application for membership with the application form (available on the club’s website) to Re: Application for membership to the UR-OHSC The application form can be filled, scanned and sent to the email above. The webmaster provide possible contacts
Certification Each member after graduation, he receives a certificate of Appreciation. Those who have shown commitment are also awarded a certificate of commitment