Leonora D. Doncillo Vivian L. Moya Jesus T. Racuyal Aldrin Maglahus TURMERIC( Curcuma longa L) EXTRACT AS COLOR ENHANCER IN VACUUM PACKED FISH “TOCINO” Leonora D. Doncillo Vivian L. Moya Jesus T. Racuyal Aldrin Maglahus
Rationale “Tocino” is a sweet dish that is traditionally served for breakfast in the Philippines. “Tocino” is a Spanish word that means “bacon” or “cured meat” . PROBLEMS A number of substance derivatives and additives are being added in food preparation to imitate the natural attributes of food items to attract consumers and derive maximum profit from investments Sodium nitrite or nitrate is a preservative that enhance the color and flavor of processed meat such as bacon, ham, and tocino. In this modern era, is that a number of substance… Using artificial food colorant to cured meat and fish such as tocino, ham, and bacon do not provide necessary nutrients beneficial to human health and nutrition. And worse, there are preservatives used that known to have many cancer - causing mutations results (Campbell and Reece, 2004) such as sodium nitrate ----- Meeting Notes (2/2/12 11:56) ----- `
Rationale SOLUTION There are locally available indigenous herbs or plants which can be an alternative food colorant in the production of tocino. The most common natural food colorings are annatto and turmeric. Long known for its anti-inflammatory properties, recent research has revealed that this spice is a natural wonder, proving beneficial in the treatment of many different health conditions from cancer to Alzheimer’s disease.
Rationale Help fishing communities improve post-harvest technology on selected species of fish by introducing new or better ways of processing, handling, and packaging The traditional ways such as drying the fish are often inefficient, involving substantial post harvest losses in terms of mold, fragmentation, insect infestation, and loss of quality. Further, this project envisioned to help communities to improve the post-harvest technology
Objectives This research project aims to: Conduct sensory evaluation on the fish tocino using the developed turmeric powder and compare it to fish tocino using the commercial turmeric powder. Submit the developed product for proximate and microbial analyses.
Methodology Raw materials Barracuda (Lusod) Anchovy Peeled turmeric rhizomes Mackerel Goatfish
Methodology Phase I – Determination of the concentration of commercial turmeric and developed turmeric powder Prepared turmeric McCormick turmeric This project envisioned to help communities to improve the post-harvest technology
Methodology Fish Tocino tried in diff. concentrations of prepared turmeric powder (A) and McCormick (B) after 1 hour of soaking This project envisioned to help communities to improve the post-harvest technology
Methodology Fish Tocino tried in diff. concentrations of prepared turmeric powder (A) and McCormick (B) after 1 hour of soaking
Methodology Phase 2- Application of turmeric powder in various species of fish
Process of Making Fish Tocino comprising the steps of: Cleaning – the fish is washed with cold water. Filleting – the fish is fillet so that the flesh is removed from the fish. Soaking – the filleted fish is soaked in the marinade comprising of turmeric powder, pineapple juice, anisado wine, kalamansi extract, garlic powder, iodized salt, refined sugar and white pepper for one hour. Vacuum Packing – the fish soaked in marinade is vacuum packed using PPE bags.
CLAIMS A process for making Fish Tocino comprising the steps of: Cleaning a fish with a cold water. Filleting said fish using filleting knife. Soaking said filleted in a marinade comprising of turmeric powder, pineapple juice, anisado wide, kalamansi extract, garlic powder, iodized salt, refined sugar and white pepper for one hour. Vacuum packing said marinated fish sing PPE bags.
Figure 1 Cleaning Filleting Soaking Vacuum Packing
Results and Discussion Phase 1. Acceptability of fish tocino between commercial and laboratory prepared turmeric powder. This table shows the result of the sensory evaluation for the different concentration wherein 3 conc. Were used, 1%,3% and 5% respectively. The evaluation showed that the 5% concentration had imparted a very acceptable color. When compared with a commercial turmeric, the prepared turmeric is at an advantage.
Results and Discussion Phase 2. Application of turmeric powder in various species of fish Table 2. Results of sensory evaluation on fish tocino at various fish species using 5% turmeric powder as to Color The absorption or color development of turmeric was most prominent in white flesh fish. It has a very desirable yellow color which looks very appealing and palatable. On the other hand, fish containing dark muscle that has grayish color such as the mackerel tend to have less color development as compared to the white flesh fish like common whiting (oso-os) and barracuda (lusod). Legend
Results and Discussion Table 4. Results of sensory evaluation on fish tocino at various fish species using 5% turmeric powder as to texture As to Texture, sample 2 was the least preferred by the panelist of tasters while osos-os and lusod Were most preferred in terms of texture. Legend 1- Dislike very much 10 – Like very much
Results and Discussion Proximate Analysis Sample Parameters Moisture Drying Total fat Ash Protein (Oven drying) (Acid Hydrolysis) (Gravimetric) 1 73.80% 0.71% 1.61% 21.5% 2 73.20% 0.97% 1.99% 20.1% 3 72% 1.01% 1.78% 21.1% The results of the proximate analysis showed it has high content which indicates that the product should be frozen to avoid spoilage. The ash content on the other hand is at acceptable since it should be less than 5% for natural foods.
Results and Discussion Microbial Analysis Sample E. Coli APC Molds and Yeast Salmonella 1 <3.0 MPN/g) 220,000 CFU/g 9,000 CFU/g absent 2 260,000 CFU/g 2800 CFU/g 3 140,000 CFU/g 6100 CFU/g The results of the microbial analysis showed that all there samples passed the standards set by FDA for processed fish on E. coli which is 11 MPN/g maximum, aerobic plate count with 500,000 CFU/g maximum and salmonella detection which resulted to negative. The mold and yeast count on the hand, fish tocino samples passed the standard of 10,000 CFU/g Hence, the careful processing and handling of the raw materials should be observed.
Results and Discussion Price (Php) Materials 1 kilo Fish 200.00 10 pcs. Kalamansi 5.00 1/2 cup Pineapple Juice 10.00 1 tsp. Garlic powder 1 tbsp. Anisado wine 1 tbsp. Turmeric powder 1/4 cup white sugar 2 tbsp. salt 1.00 1 tbsp. black pepper SUB-TOTAL 251.00 Labor (1 hr.) 50.00 Ice for washing Packaging with Label 20.00 Storage/freezer 95.00 Total Production=4 packs@ 85.00 340.00 ROI 35%
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation The findings in this study indicated in that fish tocino in prepared turmeric powder is feasible, and nutritionally high in protein and fats. However, further study is required to assess the commercial potential of the fish tocino product.