UNEP/Global Mechanism support for UNCCD reporting CRIC 16, Agenda Item 3 “Improving the procedures for communication of information as well as the quality and formats of reports to be submitted to the Conference of the Parties” UNEP/Global Mechanism support for UNCCD reporting CRIC 16, 8 September 2017
UNEP support to UNCCD reporting Global Support Programme (GSP) GSP I Content UNEP support to UNCCD reporting Global Support Programme (GSP) GSP I GSP II Conclusions
UNEP support to UNCCD reporting Since 2010 – Joint efforts of GEF - streamlined funding approach UNEP - technical support and facilitating access to funding UNCCD Secretariat - efficient use of resources and technical work to develop tools and guidelines Global Mechanism - efficient use of resources to develop capacities, financial reporting tools and coordination Key deliverables PRAIS Portal development; Direct Capacity building to countries; Help Desk Services; Regional Support Experts system Outcome High reporting rate; Effective Online reporting, Credible data from countries report
UNEP support to UNCCD reporting Since 2010 – Joint efforts of GEF - streamlined funding approach UNEP - technical support and facilitating access to funding UNCCD Secretariat - efficient use of resources and technical work to develop tools and guidelines Global Mechanism - efficient use of resources to develop capacities, financial reporting tools and coordination Key deliverables PRAIS Portal development; Direct Capacity building to countries; Help Desk Services; Regional Support Experts system Outcome UNCCD has become a pioneer on online reporting
UNEP support to UNCCD reporting Last reporting process: 108 GEF eligible Countries, including 83 using umbrella modalities, have been supported for the last reporting cycle through UNEP/GEF Umbrella project The project has also allowed the NAP alignment to the UNCCD 10 Year Strategy Upcoming reporting process New umbrella project 66 Countries applied so far to support National Reporting process
UNEP support to UNCCD reporting Priorities of new umbrella project Training conducted for stakeholders in the countries on indicators, data collection methodologies, analysis and application of indicators for monitoring and presenting UNCCD data Support to countries to enhanced data management for improved monitoring of impacts at national level Support to countries to develop national estimates for improved monitoring of LDN target setting and/or implementation by June 2018 National Stakeholders training on the use of reporting templates, the comprehensive guidance manual and updated reporting platform (PRAIS Portal) by December 2017 National Consultations on the reporting processes (impact assessment, performance review, best practices and financial flows, etc) Report by countries on their LDN targets and preliminary implementation results as part of intersessional CRIC meeting prior to COP 14.
Global Support Programme Global Support Programme (GSP) To support the UNCCD reporting process through GEF funding (enabling activities) GSP I (2014-17) Support to UNCCD reporting 2014 Support preparation of upcoming UNCCD reporting 2017-18 GSP II (2017-19, under preparation): Support to UNCCD reporting process 2017-18
Main achievements of GSP I Improved UNCCD reporting systems established to facilitate reporting by all reporting entities (PRAIS, simplified reporting templates…) Technical assistance provided to Parties to facilitate reporting and review process (regional workshops, helpdesk) Capacities of UNCCD reporting entities strengthened for effective UNCCD reporting Provision of default data on biophysical indicators in cooperation with the LDN Target Setting Programme UNCCD knowledge management and outreach system improved 1. Global)
Main achievements of GSP I Number of reports submitted by Parties in 2014 increased substantially 94 % of the affected country Parties submitted reports 69 % of the developed country Parties submitted reports Quality of reports has improved considerably 1. Global)
Strengthening UNCCD reporting The way forward - GSP II Title: “Strengthening UNCCD reporting –enhancing implementation of the UNCCD” 1. Global) Strengthening UNCCD reporting Prepare tools for 2017-18 UNCCD reporting Revised PRAIS Simplified template Provision of default data Support country Parties to use them effectively Regional capacity building workshops Helpdesk Support dissemination of results for review at CRIC 17
The way forward - GSP II Data management Title: “Strengthening UNCCD reporting –enhancing implementation of the UNCCD” 1. Global) Data management Provide capacity building to collect, manage, analyse and monitor quantitative data related to UNCCD Identify good practices to establish sustained monitoring systems related to UNCCD biophysical progress indicators at national level
The way forward - GSP II Finance Title: “Strengthening UNCCD reporting –enhancing implementation of the UNCCD” 1. Global) Finance Analyse global datasets that track finance flows related to UNCCD implementation Assess investment patterns, barriers and opportunities to increase finance for UNCCD implementation
Umbrella/GSP: GEF-funded enabling activities Conclusions Umbrella/GSP: GEF-funded enabling activities Provide key support to UNCCD reporting Enhance capacities of all UNCCD reporting entities Enhance synergies among key stakeholders, including UNEP UNCCD Secretariat/Global Mechanism LDN Target Setting Programme, including IUCN as GEF Implementing Agency Country Parties Facilitate high quantity and quality of reports Lay a foundation for the sound monitoring of the implementation of 2018-30 UNCCD Strategic Framework Support informed decision making at country level based on agreed indicator framework 1. Global)
THANK YOU!! UNEP/Global Mechanism support for UNCCD reporting CRIC 16, Agenda Item 3 “Improving the procedures for communication of information as well as the quality and formats of reports to be submitted to the Conference of the Parties” THANK YOU!! UNEP/Global Mechanism support for UNCCD reporting CRIC 16, 8 September 2017