Effective & Efficient Teaming Principles and Practices of the Vermont PBS Leadership Team
Big Idea The team is the cornerstone of the learning organization Big Idea The team is the cornerstone of the learning organization. What really matters is how people make decisions and take action- how the team thinks and acts together. - Peter Senge
PDSA Cycle Act Plan Study Do Team Agreements Data-based Evaluation Dean A. Fixsen and Karen A. Blasé, 2006 Team Agreements Act Plan Data-based Action Plan Evaluation SAY: In general, the implementation of a school-wide PBS approach at the school level is built around five main implementation steps. Study Do Implementation
The PBS Leadership Team Includes the building administrator in an active role Applies effective team procedures during monthly meetings Conducts data-based decision making and problem solving Conducts self-assessments, goal setting and action planning Shares data with stakeholders on a regular basis
Effective Meeting Practices Make it easy for team members to participate and stay up-to-date Assign a facilitator to actively structure meetings Establish and use roles and norms Conduct meetings on a regular basis, as the decision cycle requires Build in time to process each meeting Record and distribute minutes of topics, decisions and actions
Common Mistakes Ineffective facilitation Failure to establish and use team norms Simultaneous conversations Tangents or off-topic conversations Too much or too little meeting documentation
So What Can We Do? Review team profile for representative membership Determine a regular meeting time Establish roles Team facilitator, recorder, timekeeper, etc. Rotate roles at each meeting or keep constant Create and use a standard agenda format Follow established meeting procedures Determine basic agenda items and amount of time Set date for the next meeting
So What Can We Do? Show respect through meeting norms Communicate Start and stop on time Reschedule cancelled meetings Acknowledge contributions Communicate Distribute meeting minutes Give updates at staff meetings, in newsletters, etc. Assess team results and process Conduct implementation checklist monthly Reflect on team process and apply to skill building
Activity #1 Team Profile and Agreements 1. Work as a team to discuss and decide on your team profile and agreements, using the Leadership Team Profile and “Getting Started” Agreements Template. 2. Record on your PBS Implementation Action Plan any agreements that have not been made during this work session and need to be completed in the future.
2006-07 Progress Report (January 2008) Big Idea The ultimate goal of PBIS is to establish systems that enable educators to “work smarter.” Illinois Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports Network 2006-07 Progress Report (January 2008)
Activity #2 ”Working Smarter” Work as a team to complete the “Working Smarter” Team Matrix. 2. Record on your PBS Implementation Action Plan any “working smarter” actions that need to be completed in the future.