Phase Diagrams Continued 1557 Mg2SiO4 20 40 60 80 SiO2 1400 1600 1800 2000 1713 T oC MgSiO2 1543 1470 Forsterite + Enstatite Liquid + 1695 Enstatite + Tridymite Enstatite + Cristobalite Cristobalite + Liquid Two Liquids Liquid Wt.% X2 o n c p T M Anorthite Forsterite
Updates/questions Next week Review and Midterm Topics: phase diagrams 2 component systems: Peritectic 3 component systems
Solid Solution with Eutectic: Ab-Or (the alkali feldspars) Figure 6-16. T-X phase diagram of the system albite-orthoclase at 0.2 GPa H2O pressure. After Bowen and Tuttle (1950). J. Geology.
Effect of PH O on Ab-Or 2 Figure 6-17. The Albite-K-feldspar system at various H2O pressures. (a) and (b) after Bowen and Tuttle (1950), J. Geol, (c) after Morse (1970) J. Petrol.
Binary Peritectic Systems 1557 Mg2SiO4 20 40 60 80 SiO2 1400 1600 1800 2000 1713 T oC MgSiO2 1543 1470 Enstatite Forsterite + Enstatite Liquid + 1695 Enstatite + Tridymite Enstatite + Cristobalite Cristobalite + Liquid Two Liquids Liquid Wt.% X2 b e a Figure 6-12. Isobaric T-X phase diagram of the system Fo-Silica at 0.1 MPa. After Bowen and Anderson (1914) and Grieg (1927). Amer. J. Sci.
The Peritectic 1: X between Fo-En d i k m Fo En 1557 Bulk X
Olivine with orthopyroxene rims, Mt McLoughlin, OR
The Peritectic 2: X between En-Cr 1543 c d i k m Fo En 1557 bulk X x y Cr
Incongruent Melting of Enstatite 1543 c d i Fo En 1557 bulk X Cr
Ternary Systems
C = 3: Ternary Systems: Example 1: Ternary Eutectic Di - An - Fo Anorthite M T Forsterite Diopside
Crystallization Relationships Cool composition a from 2000oC At 2000oC: phi = ? (1 (liquid) F = ? F = C - f + 1 = 3 - 1 + 1 = 3 = T, X(An)Liq, X(Di)Liq, and X(Fo)Liq only 2 of 3 X’s are independent Next cool to 1700oC Intersect liquidus surface What happens??
Pure Fo forms Just as in binary f = ? F = ? a Liquid An Fo + Liq Di + Liq Di + Fo a An Pure Fo forms Just as in binary f = ? F = ?
Liq/total solids = a-m/Liq-a total Di/Fo = m-Fo/Di-m Ternary lever w/ 3 phases Imagine triangular plane X - Di - Fo balanced on bulk a Liq x a Di m Fo Liq/total solids = a-m/Liq-a total Di/Fo = m-Fo/Di-m
Pressure Effects