The Rise of Christianity
Founder Jesus of Nazareth (Born a Jew) Born in Judea, southern part of Roman province of Palestine Grew up in Nazareth Began teaching and traveling around age 30 Spoke in homes (later became synagogues-Jewish places of worship) Small group of followers = disciples 12 disciples became the Apostles (continued teaching after Jesus left)
Teachings Based on Judaism Christianity grew from and is an extension of Judaism Judaism and Christianity are monotheistic and believe in one divine being referred to as Yahweh (God) Encouraged people to follow the 10 commandments God loves everyone All should be kind to each other, forgiveness & mercy Belief in God will bring peace and joy After death, enter Heaven
Diffusion Jesus’ message spread throughout Palestine Local leaders felt that he would anger the Roman government Jesus was crucified (death on a cross), followers claim he rose from the dead = Messiah (the One who saves) After his death, his followers continued to preach & teach by traveling through the Roman empire
Persecution to Acceptance Christians were tortured at first for their new beliefs Contrary to polytheistic Roman gods Killed, fed to animals, burned at stakes, etc. Emperor Constantine- A.D. 313-Made Christianity equal to all other religions Was baptized a Christian before he died Emperor Theodosius 380-A.D. Made Christianity Rome’s official religion, beginning of Roman Catholic Church
Present times Christianity continues to spread & be practiced Some different beliefs & customs among followers Believers say that Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be with His followers on Earth Holy trinity = Father, Son, & Holy Spirit