Zespół Szkół Elektronicznych i Ogólnokształcących In Przemyśl Safe Place Zespół Szkół Elektronicznych i Ogólnokształcących In Przemyśl
Integration of the students At the beginning of the school year we organise Integration Day for a new class with the form tutor and the school councellor. She asks each student to say a few words about themselves, say what they expect from the new school, the form tutor and what the new class should be like. The form tutor says what he / she expects from the students The school councellor stresses the fact that the students should listen to each other and respect each other It finishes with a bonfire and integration games.
Integration of the students
Integration of the students First year students take part in ‘Rajd Elektronika’, which is a rally. On the way the students have to find clues and work as a team (together with their form tutor) to solve the riddles. The winners get a sweet reward. At the end of the rally, each class has to present themselves as a group in a form of a song, short performance, a poem, etc. The winners get a sweet reward too.
Integration of the students Each class presents their decalogue – a set of rules to be obeyed by the class The headmaster officially accepts the students as the members of our school community. All the students and the teachers have a hot soup and take part in integration games.
Integration of the students
School trips Every year in the summer each class organises a school trip. There are integration trips throughout the year.
Feeling part of the class There are a lot of different kinds of competitions between classes. This motivates a group of students to work as a team. Sports competitions Charity actions Savoir vivre The school patron Halloween
Students feel a part of the school The students take an active part in the school life They have a school government they elect democratically They play music during the breaks on the school radio They take turns to help in the cloakrooms They take an active part in promoting the school They help organise the Open Day They organise Christmas Day and Santa Claus Day and they buy each other presents
The school helps the students The school councellor does a great job helping the students, the parents and the teachers The headmaster chooses carefully the teachers who are form tutors There is constant communication between the form tutor and the parents and the students too. (electronic register, phone contact on the teachers’ private phone numbers and often in their free time).
The school helps the students There is constant financial support for those who need it in a form of scholarships and actions of collecting money There is a unique scholarship ‘The Teachers for the Students’ The annual questionaires show that the students feel good at school and they trust the teachers
The teachers always there The teachers stay with the students during the breaks too. There are teachers’ duties at the entrance of the school and on the corridors to make sure all the students are safe. Very often the teachers stay in the classrooms during the breaks.
Students feel connection with the school Many students feel very emotional about leaving school They come back to visit even a few years after they have finished Many come back to say ‘Thank you’