There are around 11 400 000 inhabitants Currency is American dollars Political system is democracy(The republic of zimbabwe)
Harare Harare
Location Continent: -Africa Countries nearby: - Zambia - South Africa - Angola Capital city of Zimbabwe is Hararé Zimbabwe is located in south East Africa, this country is bordered by Zambia, Mozambique, Republic of South Africa.
Official languages English Shona Sindebele
Economy and Politics Zimbabwe is officially a presidential republic The president is both head of state and head of government The country's involvement in the war in the Democratic Republic of Congo has weighed heavily on the economy
Its economy depends on tobacco farming and cotton cattle breeding and exploitation of mining various sources (gold, asbestos, iron, copper, coal).
The Great Zimbabwe Great Zimbabwe is the name given to the ruins of an ancient monument in southern Africa
Victoria Falls
120km (75 miles) from the Hwange National Park are the largest waterfalls in the world To gain an overall impression of the Falls, the ‘Flight of the Angels’ light plane trip is a must, as is a cruise up the mighty Zambezi River
Tennis Rugby Cricket Football Volley ball Sports Tennis Rugby Cricket Football Volley ball