Landforms of East Africa Mrs. Tinkey World Geography
Can you guess? What landform is this?
Nubian Desert Location: Northeastern Sudan Area: 400,000 sq. km (The Sahara Desert is 9.4 million sq. km.) Averages less than 5 inches of rain per year.
How about this one? What’s your guess?
Ethiopian Highlands Location: Central Ethiopia (covers about 2/3 of the country) Eritrea Northern Somalia Nickname: Roof of Africa (because of its height and area)
Betcha can’t guess….
Great Rift Valley Location: Runs from N. Syria to Central Mozambique Also referred to as the East African Rift. Rift: a crack or split in the earth’s surface.
And how about this one?
Serengeti Plain Location: Northern Tanzania to southwestern Kenya. Area: 30,000 sq. km Hosts the largest mammal migration in the world (one of the natural wonders of the world). Inspiration for the movie The Lion King
Mt. Kilamanjaro Highest mountain in Africa at 5,895 m Tallest freestanding mountain rise in the world. A dormant volcano, three volcanic cones: Kibo Mawenzi Shira
You labeled 4 lakes on your map… Which one is this?
Lake Victoria Largest lake (by area) in Africa 2nd largest freshwater lake by surface area in the world. (Only behind Lake Superior in MI) Largest tropical lake in the world. Supports Africa’s largest inland fishery.
Pretty sweet right? Where are we now?
Lake Tanganyika World longest freshwater lake. 2nd largest freshwater lake by volume in the world. 2nd deepest lake in the world. Largest rift lake in Africa Part of the East African Rift of the Great Rift Valley Controlled by Germany in WWI
What’s wrong with this picture? Where in the world???
Gulf of Aden Important part of the Suez Canal shipping route. Known for its acts of piracy. (think back to the picture on the previous slide…) Click on the word “Piracy” for a current events article on piracy Click on the map for an article about what’s being done about piracy currently