Quantitative and Qualitative Methods Sebastian M. Rasinger Research Methods in Linguistics. An Introduction. Second Edition. 2013. London: Bloomsbury S.M.Rasinger. 2013. Quantitative Research in Linguistics. 2e. Bloomsbury.
Theoretical concepts (and definition) idea Topic Research question/s Theoretical concepts (and definition) Methodology: what kind of data? how to collect data? potential problems Result/conclusions Analysis how? Data S.M.Rasinger. 2013. Quantitative Research in Linguistics. 2e. Bloomsbury.
theory hypotheses data confirm/reject H Quantitative data can be put into numbers can be used for statistic analysis NOT necessarily ‘much data’ Deductive: theory hypotheses data confirm/reject H Examples of quantitative variables people’s age children sex S.M.Rasinger. 2013. Quantitative Research in Linguistics. 2e. Bloomsbury.
Reliability of quant. data Does data match expectations and/or previous research? Various complex statistical methods Best method for first judgement: use common sense! Are results from sample ‘off’ in some way? Even worse, is your sample ‘off’? S.M.Rasinger. 2013. Quantitative Research in Linguistics. 2e. Bloomsbury.
Qualitative data ‘words’, ‘text’, ‘qualities’, ‘patterns’ how is something, rather than how much interpretative inductive: theory is derived from the research results S.M.Rasinger. 2013. Quantitative Research in Linguistics. 2e. Bloomsbury.
General issues Whatever method you use: PILOT it!! What’s going well? What’s going horribly wrong? Why have things gone wrong? Is it your instrument? Is it you? Is it both? Adjust accordingly and, ideally, pilot again S.M.Rasinger. 2013. Quantitative Research in Linguistics. 2e. Bloomsbury.