5th Grade Curriculum Night 2017
Special Message from the Superintendent
Fifth Grade Team Members Karissa Davidson – Science/Math Angeleen Harry– Science/Math Darlene Lowery– Language Arts Shannon Montgomery – Language Arts Ali Sullivan - Language Arts Lindsey Wohlrab – Science/Math Lauren Clenney – Language Arts/Math (Resource) This PowerPoint can be found on each teacher’s website. Please watch for an email inviting you to sign up for a conference!
5th Grade Schedule 8:00-8:30 Students arrive in homeroom/HW check-in 8:35-9:05 Computer Lab 9:05-9:25 Recess 9:25-10:10 Special Area 10:15-12:15 Block 1 ( Language Arts or Science/Math) 12:15 – 12:40 Lunch 12:45 – 2:45 Block 2 ( Language Arts or Science/Math)
PinPoint Online Grade Book County-wide Grading Scale in use: A = 90% and above B = 80%-89% C = 70%-79% D = 60%-69% F = 59% and below Grade breakdown in Science/Math: 80% Assessments 20% Classwork/homework In Language Arts: Assessment – 75% AR – 15 % Classwork – 10% Homework Math Practice: as needed Science textbook reading/Brain Checks: due each Friday Reading homework as assigned and recorded in planners Planners signed by parents every Monday night Self-Evaluation signed over the weekend
Self-Evaluation Weekly In-Class Bathroom Passes: ____/____/____ Media Center Pass: _____ Behavior grade ____ / ____ Work/study skills grade ____ / ____ ___ Follows rules ____Works cooperatively ____Demonstrates self-control ____Comes to class prepared ____Respects adults and peers ____Exhibits on-task behavior ____Handles conflicts and problems ____Completes assignments appropriately ____Follows directions Student signature _______________________________________________ Teacher signature _______________________________________________ Parent signature ________________________________________________
SeaWorld - May 23, 2018 Mandatory Parent Meetings: Thursday, October 19th at 8:00 am OR at 6:00 pm You must attend one of these meetings if you want to chaperone the trip!
ELA in Fifth Grade Mrs. Lowery
Fifth Grade ELA ELA teachers: Lowery, Montgomery, Sullivan, Clenney Curriculums used: Ready/iReady, Wonders, novels The ELA programs will help students: Build a strong reading foundation Access complex text Find and use text evidence Engage in collaborative conversations Write to sources
Sample Test Questions
Structure of an ELA Class Homework review Read-aloud 15-20 minutes of A.R. Direct Instruction: Build Background, Comprehension strategies, Vocabulary strategies, Close Reading of Complex Text, Literature Anthology, Independent/Group work and conversations Walk and Read: Refining and extending of skills in ability-based small groups
What Parents Can Do Encourage your child to do their ELA homework on Tuesday and Thursday nights and to read at the higher end of their ZPD for A.R. each night for 20 minutes. Read complex text with your child, discuss character development, vocabulary, inferences, plot, setting, etc. Review tests with your child when they come home. Resources for parents: https://connected.mcgraw-hill.com arbookfind.com
Math and Science in Fifth Grade
Fifth Grade Math Math teachers: Davidson, Harry, Wohlrab, Clenney Curriculum Used: Go Math with supplemental Ready Math/iReady
Test Item Complexity
Possible Questions to Assess that Standard:
Structure of a Math Class Previous day review Skill introduction Guided Practice Think-Share-Compare Routine Independent practice (in math practice workbook or math folder) Extension/Remediation in fluid small groups Homework assigned as needed
What Parents Can Do Join our team! Encourage your child to try the homework when assigned and to show their work when appropriate, but do not feel like you need to reteach the lesson at home! Resources for parents: Khan Academy New Standardized Test Item Specifications
Fifth Grade Science Science teachers: Davidson, Harry, Wohlrab Curriculum used: Science Fusion
Test Item Complexity
Structure of a Science Class Engaging in inquiry-based investigations (science notebook) Lesson Review (science textbook) Assignment preview (science textbook)
What Parents Can Do Encourage your child to read the homework pages each night and discuss what they are discovering in class Assist with studying for tests Resources for parents: ThinkCentral StudyJams