A Survey of Tried and Tested Technology Tools in Type in or paste your text here A Survey of Tried and Tested Technology Tools in Undergraduate Online Business Courses Esmeralda de los Santos, Ph.D. Nursen Zanca, Ph.D., Ana Gonzalez University of the Incarnate Word OTHER SOURCES for TEACHING ONLINE ECONOMICS MLOs AND TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS IN ECONOMICS MLOs AND TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS IN MARKETING INTRODUCTION Instructors new to online teaching face the daunting task of learning new technology techniques, understanding Quality Matter’s 43 Standards from the Higher Education Rubric and selecting from a rich inventory of Learning Management System (LMS) tools, publisher technology offerings, and other vendor assets. Alignment is a perplexing task! FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF SAN FRANCISCO http://www.frbsf.org/education/teacher-resources/economics-in-person/ MODULE #1: ASSESSING THE MARKETPLACE MODULE #1: SUPPLY & DEMAND MLO: Students will be able to explain the difference between movement along a curve and the shift of a curve. BLOOM’S TAXONOMY: UNDERSTAND TECHNOLOGY TOOL: EconMovies MLO: Define and explain marketing concepts. BLOOM’S TAXONOMY: REMEMBER TECHNOLOGY TOOL: Cengage MindTap Flash Cards FOUNDATION FOR TEACHING ECONOMICS http://www.fte.org/ ECONOMIC EDUCATION WEB: Economics Resources for University & College Teaching http://ecedweb.unomaha.edu/teach-ec.htm In this poster session, we will: state QM Standards 4.1, 4.5, and 6.1; 2. inventory LMS and publisher offerings; review our Course Learning Objectives (CLOs) in introductory Economics and Marketing classes using Bloom’s Cognitive Taxonomy, and link MLOs and technology tools to QM Standards 4.1, 4.5 and 6.1. MITOPENCOURSEWARE Free Online Course Materials https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/economics www.i.pinimg.com/teacher-stuff-teacher-tools.jpg THE ECONOMICS NETWORK Using the Web to Teach Economics: The Handbook for Economics https://www.economicsnetwork.ac.uk/handbook/prin table/web.pdf QM STANDARDS SELECTED 4.1 The instructional materials contribute to the achievement of the stated course and module/unit learning objectives or competencies 4.5 A variety of instructional materials is used in the course 6.1 The tools used in the course support the learning objectives or competencies. Suggested Process for Selecting Appropriate Technology MLO: In the case of a shortage or surplus, students will explain how price moves the market back to equilibrium. MLO: The student will relate and apply marketing concepts to a current business scenario. Determine the Course Learning Objective: The student will be able to identify, define and describe marketing terms and concepts. Identify Bloom’s Cognitive Taxonomy Classification: Remember Determine the appropriate technology tools: Case videos, flash cards, e.g., Study Mate, quizzes, Kahoot, Socrative. Refer to the Standard: 6.1 The tools used in the course support the learning objectives and competencies. BLOOM’S TAXONOMY: UNDERSTAND BLOOM’S TAXONOMY: APPLY TECHNOLOGY TOOL: Blackboard Discussions TECHNOLOGY TOOL: ThinkEconomics: Modeling Economics Principles LMS and Publisher Technology Tools Selected Blackboard Learning Management System Technology Tools Other Vendor Tools Announcements Assignments Blogs Blackboard Collaborate Discussion Board E-Mail Gradebook Groups Kaltura Media Mashups Plagiarism Checker Respondus LockDown Browser Rubrics Safe Assign Soft Chalk Cloud Study Mate You Tube Wikis Zoom Padlet Wall.com Quizlet.com Kahoot.it Sway.com Socrative.com Poll Everywhere.com Clickers Bloom’s Cognitive Taxonomy: Slide Chart MODULE #3: PRICING CONCEPTS MLO: The student will be able to determine how supply and demand curves determine a market’s equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity. MLO: The student will use break-even analysis calculations to compute a company’s product break-even point. BLOOM’S TAXONOMY: APPLY TECHNOLOGY TOOL: Merlot Business BLOOM’S TAXONOMY: ANALYZE TECHNOLOGY TOOL: SAPLING LEARNING / ECONOMICS Publisher Based Technology Tools Multimedia Resources Marketing Economics Connect Yard Study Hub Read Speaker YouSeeU CNowHomework Adaptive Test Prep Flash Cards My Contents Flip It EconEdActive Launch Pad Learning Curve Sapling Learning Creative Commons Google Videos Merlot II MIT Channels – MIT Sloan TED TED-Ed Videos TED-YouTube NBC Learn Higher Ed Persky, A. M, & Zakrajsek, T. D., Creative Commons©2014