Security Sector Reform Briefing for the Senior Leadership Programme 17 March 2016 Adedeji Ebo Chief, Security Sector Reform Unit Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions Department of Peacekeeping Operations United Nations
Contents The SSR Unit SSR: Making People Safer MS Guidance on SSR Trends in the Field since 2007 Ensuring Coherent Solutions
SSR: Making People Safer “The objective of security sector reform is to help ensure that people are safer through the enhanced effectiveness and accountability of security institutions operating under civilian control within a framework of the rule of law and human rights” (A/67/970 - S/2013/480). “The goal of the United Nations in security sector reform is to support States and societies in developing effective, inclusive and accountable security institutions so as to contribute to international peace and security, sustainable development and the enjoyment of human rights by all” (A/62/659 - S/2008/39)
SSR Unit: System-wide Focal Point Facilitates the delivery of coherent SSR solutions Advises on security sector governance Advises on defence sector reform Manages the UN Roster of SSR Experts Develops SSR Guidance Builds partnerships to strengthen UN SSR delivery Leads the work of the Inter-agency SSR Task Force
Trends in the Field Mandates have continued to grow in number and complexity: 20 PKOs and SPMs support national SSR efforts. Increasing demand for highly specialized expertise: policing, defense, political affairs and security sector governance SSR Units are increasingly called on to facilitate the delivery of coherent mission-wide solutions Need for greater political support from SRSG/DSRSGs and from political components Demand for operational partnerships (e.g. AU and EU)
MS Guidance: S/RES/2151 + Include and prioritize SSR as an integral part of PKO and SPM mandates (SCR 2151) National ownership remains “central” (SCR 2151 & 2185) Importance of integration between sector-wide and component level reforms (SCR 2151 & 2185) SRSGs/Envoys asked to “fully take into account the strategic value of SSR”, including through good offices” (SCR 2151 & 2185) and in this respect to … “assist relevant senior UN management to understand how to deliver mandated SSR tasks” (SCR 2151)
Security Council Resolution 2151 15b: Requests the Secretary-General to consider undertaking the following in the context of relevant country-specific mandates: Develop additional guidance for relevant United Nations officials, including Special Representatives of the Secretary-General and Envoys, and assist relevant United Nations management to understand how to deliver mandated security sector reform tasks
Senior SSR Training: Objectives Highlight practical challenges and opportunities for senior leaders in supporting national SSR efforts. To provide a “toolkit of options” for senior leaders to draw on throughout mandate implementation.
Senior SSR Training: Methodology Combination of practically oriented briefings, peer-to-peer exchanges, case studies, group exercises and plenary discussions. Facilitators and resource experts will be former United Nations Secretary-Generals, Deputy Security-Generals, SRSGs, Envoys, DSRSGs and senior SSR experts. Take place over one day and on an annual basis.
Senior SSR Training: Content? Voices of Senior Inter-agency SSR Staff: Emphasize the political nature of SSR and, thereby, the specific role of senior leaders in implementing SSR mandates. Highlight the benefit of senior-level engagement on SSR during various phases of peace operations.
Senior SSR Training: Content? Your voice: ??
Questions and Discussion