Summary and Conclusions Parallel session 2 Approaches to Sustainable Peace Returns, Mine Action and DDR Summary and Conclusions
Returns, mine action, early recovery and development, basic services, security sector reform, gender, governance, community security and DDR are mutually dependent and equally critical to peace; hence need for comprehensive approach 2.1 million returnees and 182,900 ex-combatants between 2008 – 2011 Security approaches also need to target community level; need to strengthen basic social services to support DDR and Returns Focus on the three areas Regional dimension – neighbouring countries
DDR in Sudan complex; planning requirements; linkage with SSR Clear donor interest in supporting reintegration, but need a clear and agreed project document Urgent support for East Sudan DDR needed Donors favour a separate UN trust fund for DDR Need to address shortfall in funding for mine action and returns Critical funding needed to start DDR (110 million by Jan ‘09); no DD without funds for R