2-6 June 2014 Panama City, Panama Regional Workshop for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material in the Caribbean Module 2.1 IAEA Regulations, UN Orange Book and International Modal Regulations 2-6 June 2014 Panama City, Panama Chris Bajwa Transport Safety Unit Regulatory Infrastructure and Transport Safety Section Division of Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety Department of Nuclear Safety and Security
Overview Delivering societal developments IAEA Regulations for Safe Transport Scope Basic Safety Concept Revision
Transport model to deliver societal benefits of RAM (This is what we Move Towards) Delivery of societal benefits (B) Worker and public confidence (8) International cooperation / collaboration (7) Future trends and challenges (6) National regulator oversight / intervention (5) Industry compliance with regulatory requirements (4) Regulatory infrastructures of Member States (3) Transport Regulations (2) An overview of transport of radioactive material (1) Societal needs (A)
Regulations – IAEA Safety Standards Hierarchy (2) Safety Fundamentals Safety Requirements Safety Guides
Regulations – IAEA Safety Standards (2) IAEA TS-G-1.1 Advisory Material IAEA TS-G-1.2 Emergency response Radiation protection programmes IAEA TS-G-1.3 IAEA TS-G-1.4 Management System GSR Part 1 IAEA TS-G-1.5 Compliance assurance IAEA TS-G-1.6 Schedules SSR 6 (2012) Guidance Documents GSR Part 3
Regulations – The international regulatory framework (2) Mainly Package design approval Regulators / some Transport Regulators All 9 Dangerous Goods Classes - All modes SSR 6 (2012) Class 7 - All modes Some countries Road, Rail and Inland Waterway Sea Air
Regulations – IAEA SSR-6 (2) Prescriptive requirements - revised on biennial basis Supported by Advisory Material – aids consistent interpretation Global, multi-modal but not mandatory All 137 IAEA Member States can participate Transposed into UN Model Regulations Text does not look like UN or modal texts No guidance for UN or modal provisions, so legal texts need to address everything Modes take Class 7 provisions from UN, not from SSR-6 Few UN national delegations include Class 7 experts
Regulations – SSR-6 (2) Objective of SSR-6 (para 104) … is to establish requirements that must be satisfied to ensure safety and to protect persons, property and the environment from the effects of radiation in the transport of radioactive material. This protection is achieved by requiring: Containment of the radioactive contents; Control of external radiation levels; Prevention of criticality; Prevention of damage caused by heat. No routeing or physical protection controls are specified - these may be implemented for reasons other than radiological safety
Regulatory approach (SSR-6 para 106) Regulations – SSR-6 (2) Regulatory approach (SSR-6 para 106) A graded approach is applied in specifying the performance standards which are characterized in terms of three general severity levels: (a) Routine conditions of transport (incident free); (b) Normal conditions of transport (minor mishaps); (c) Accident conditions of transport.
Regulations – SSR-6 Definitions (2) ‘Transport’ (SSR-6 para 106) … Transport comprises all operations and conditions associated with, and involved in, the movement of radioactive material; these include the design, manufacture, maintenance and repair of packaging, and the reparation, consigning, loading, carriage including in-transit storage, unloading and receipt at the final destination of loads of radioactive material and packages. Radioactive material (SSR-6 para 235) …..any material containing radionuclides where both the activity concentration (Bq/g) and the total activity in the consignment (Bq) exceed the values specified in paras 402 - 407
SSR-6 Graded approach (2) The performance criterion of a package type depends upon its permitted contents (A1 and A2) In IAEA SSR6 the following categories are defined [CA approved]: Excepted packages Industrial packages Type (IP-1, IP-2, IP-3) [ IF for fissile material] Type A package [ AF for fissile material] Type B(M), Type B(U) package [ B(U)F and B(M)F for fissile material] Type C package [ CF for fissile material] Type H(U) [ H(U)F for fissile material] Type H(M) [ H(M)F for fissile material] Shipment approval (T) Special arrangement (X) Low specific activity (LSA-I, LSA-II and LSA-III) Surface contaminated objects (SCO-I, SCO-II) Special Form (S) Low Dispersible Radioactive Material (LDRM)
SSR-6 Consignment limits (2) Activity Limits Packaging Type Accumulation of Packages and Classification and Consignment Limits Activity Content (Bq) Package Type Limits TI / CSI Activity Concentration (Bq/g) Package Requirements Dose rates Solid, Liquid or gas Package Certification - unshielded (3m) Radionuclide(s) Special Form - surface Activity Content (A1, A2) Radiometric survey - 1 m / 2m Temperature Contamination I-White, II & III Yellow
Regulations – UN Model Regulations (2) UNITED NATIONS SUB-COMMITTEE OF EXPERTS on the transport of dangerous goods A body established by ECOSOC (UN Economic and Social Council) in 1957
Regulations – UN Model Regulations (2) Was originally the UN Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Now a sub-committee of UN Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals Originally consisted of ‘experts’ drawn from countries with demonstrable expertise and interest in the transport of dangerous goods
Regulations – UN Model Regulations (2) Draws up non-mandatory ‘Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods’ for all modes of transport throughout the world Written in the form of ‘Model Regulations’ for international and national legislation Known as the ‘Orange Book’
Regulations – UN Model Regulations (2) Makes decisions by simple majority voting - not by consensus Currently 27 voting countries, increasing geographical representation but European dominated Non-voting countries and inter-governmental organisations can attend as ‘observers’ International trade associations in UN consultative status may also attend Currently working on the 19th - revised edition (18th) taking effect from 1 January 2014 Works on 2 year revision cycle Meets in Palais des Nations in Geneva each June and December Ad hoc Working Groups meet (inter-session) if required
Regulations – International framework (2) Modal Regulations UN Model Regulations IAEA SSR6 (2012) State variations
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