Healthcare Science at the Centre of the NHS? Professor Brendan G Cooper University Hospitals Birmingham, University of Birmingham President, Academy for Healthcare Science
“Your good Health” “Not a Care in the world” “The appliance of Science”
“From The Crick to Cricklewood” How can we translate the ethos of the Crick Institute to the rest of the NHS? The Public & patients
Crick Vision Distinctive vision for excellence includes; Commitments to collaboration; Developing emerging talent and exporting it to the rest of the UK; Public engagement; and Helping turn discoveries into treatments as quickly as possible to improve lives and strengthen the economy
The Crick's Commitment to Excellence Emphasis on multidisciplinary research, Focus on young and emerging talent, Novel ways of partnership working, Plans to export the best people to other institutions
Strategic Priorities Pursue discovery without boundaries Create future science leaders Collaborate creatively to advance UK science and innovation Accelerate translation for health and wealth Engage and inspire the public
The Watson, Crick & Franklin Story Rosalind Franklin, chemist, crystallography 1952 Photo 51 (shown to Watson & Crick) James Watson, American molecular biologist, geneticist and zoologist. Francis Crick, British molecular biologist, biophysicist, and neuroscientist Chemist, BSc., Ph.D. Coal, x-ray crystallography 1952 Photo 51 (shown to Watson & Crick) Died age 37, ovarian cancer
Translational Research in UK Universities/Hospitals Healthcare Science Physiology Translational Research in UK Universities/Hospitals UHB Allied Health Professionals Life Sciences The Public/Patients All sites? Physics & Engineering UHB Medicine Bioinformatics
Translational Research Institute for Translational Medicine, Birmingham Health Partners
Cutting edge research Chronic conditions Innovative pathways Rare diseases Poor prognosis New technology/treatments Idiopathic disease Educate clinical colleagues
It all has to link up….. Translational Medicine Partnerships The Crick Universities The Public & patients Primary Care Hospitals
It all has to link up….. The Crick Four Nations
Link up within organisations….. Medical Physics Biochemistry Structured Light Plethysmography PATIENT Immunology Maths Physiology Computing/IT
Structured Light Plethysmography Chest wall image generated Relative contribution Time and Ratio
Patient with a raised hemi-diaphragm Tidal breathing (Sitting) RC-AB Tidal breathing (Supine) URC-AB Normal Normal CHEST ABDOMEN
Link up within organisations….. Toronto Sick Kids QEHB Industry
Link up within organisations….. Medical Physics Biochemistry PATIENT Immunology Maths Physiology Computing/IT
Link up within organisations….. Medical Physics Biochemistry PATIENT Immunology Maths Physiology Computing/IT
Link up with organisations….. Professional Bodies in HCS Medical Royal Colleges Regulatory Bodies
What are limitations? Failure of the science – innovation must fail sometimes Refusal to stop fire-fighting pressures on healthcare Failure to see or take the opportunities! Failure to choose the most effective diagnostics or treatments Failure to educate healthcare staff, health managers and the public that these new innovations are beneficial Failure to engage MDTs to embrace new ways of working “at the coalface”
What are the enablers? Using our imagination and experience Getting the scientific evidence Working across ALL boundaries Across specialities Across disciplines Across primary/secondary care Across pure and translational research Listening to the WHOLE team Looking at the problems from the PATIENT viewpoint
From The Crick to Cricklewood: How can we translate the ethos of the Crick Institute to the rest of the NHS? The Public & patients
UHB Healthcare Science Show 2017 The Public & patients Thanks to Deb Balderson! Hannah, Vascular Scientist, UHB