Pray with Glasgow City Mission Summer 2016 Pray for Glasgow Pray with Glasgow City Mission Summer 2016
Please join with us in praying for those we serve. We long to see lives transformed, and for those that we work with to know and experience God’s love and mercy.
City Centre Project Please pray: the strongholds of guilt, shame, fear, lies, anger, abuse, addiction and depression would be broken; for improved health for some of our older men; our international clients would integrate well and would receive a warm welcome from Glasgow; give thanks for those attending our ladies’ life group, as they learn more about God’s Father heart.
Pray for our Project Workers Simon: young men David: young men Joe C: older men Susan: Urban & employability Linda: ladies Joe T: older men Rachel: internationals Anthea: ladies Ewan: Project Manager
Child and Family Centre Please pray: for parents and families during the holidays when the centre is closed for the children who will join us in the new term and for those who will start school; that provision will be made for all the children that need additional support; for the parents who will be starting college.
Our Child and Family Centre is 30! Claire: Nursery Worker (on mat leave) Jocelyn: Nursery Worker Jennifer: Nursery Worker Fiona: Nursery Officer Gayle: Nursery Officer Elaine: Adult worker Anne: Nursery Officer
Board, volunteers and staff Please pray: give thanks for our amazing volunteers who faithfully serve each week; God would raise up more volunteers, particularly to teach English and for our expanding Urban café; for wisdom for our Board and management team as they lead the organisation forward into new things; give thanks for all those who support us in so many ways.
Thank you The work which goes on at Glasgow City Mission would not be possible without your prayers.