Style in general and style What is STYLE? Style in general and style in linguistics
S T Y L E , n 1. A particular kind, sort or type, as with reference to form, appearance, or character: the baroque style; the style of the house. 2. A particular , distinctive, or characteristic mode of action or manner of acting: They do these things in a grand style. 3. A mode of living as with respect to expense or display, etc.
Style -2 1) Style includes the writer’s way of thinking about his subject and his characteristic way of presenting it for a particular reader and purpose. 2) Style results from linguistic choices, which effectively express the writer’s unique thought and feeling. 3) Style is a means of discovery for both writer and reader. 4) Style sharpens expressive meaning as well as referential meaning, intensifying the tone of writing, making prose more persuasive.
According to David Crystal in Investigating English Style: There are four commonly occurring senses of the term STYLE: 1) the language habits of one person Shakespeare James Joyce Hemingway UNIQUENESS. 2) the language habits shared by a group at one time: the Augustan poets, the Old English ‘heroic’ poetry. 3) say the right thing in the most effective way—good manners: ‘clear’ or ‘refined’ style. 4) evaluation and description of literature in literary criticism or appreciation: ‘good’ ‘effective’ beautiful’ writing.
STYLE in linguistics The mode of expressing thought in writing or speaking by selecting and arranging words, to create clearness, effectiveness, euphony, or the like, that is characteristic of a group, period, person, personality, etc.: to write in the style of Faulkner; a familiar style; a pompous, pedantic style (Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English l-ge)
Robert Frost: «All the fun’s in how you say a thing»
Suppose that a certain John Smith has just died Suppose that a certain John Smith has just died. His son, writing a few days later to one of his friends, might say: (1) My beloved father has joined the heavenly choir OR (2) My dear father has passed away OR (3) My father has died (4) My old man has kicked the bucket.
Compare Next WEEK I’m starting a job in LONDON.
The subject of stylistics - 1 1) to study the principles of choosing different linguostylistic means for making an impact on the reader or listener; 2) to investigate linguostylistic means: lexical, grammatical, phonetic, syntactical which create a special emotional effect;
The subject of stylistics - 2 3) to survey a system of special stylistic devices (SD); 4) to analyze different functional styles of the literary language; 5) to describe the individual manner of an author in making use of the language.
Mind the difference between language and speech!
What is language? Language is literally the material of the literary artist. Every literary work is a selection from a given language, just as a work of sculpture is made from a block of marble with some pieces chipped off. (After A.Warner)
What is speech? Speech deals with real texts either oral or written. The material of the language (vocabulary, phraseology, syntax) is used in texts to render a certain content or to pass different “purports”. (After O.Akhmanova, R.Idzelis)
Style of language 1. Vocabulary, phraseology, syntax. 2. Expressive, emotional and evaluative properties of linguistic means (denotative and connotative meanings of linguistic units).
Style of speech Style of speech deals with specific (concrete) real texts - proizvedeniya reči and answers the question: how do they render the content using not only correct grammar, but also deviations from it?
What is STYLISTICS? Stylistics is a branch of linguistics examining the principles and effect of the choice and use of lexical, grammatical, phonetic, and in general language means for conveying thoughts and emotions in different communicative situations (I.V.Arnold).
2) D. Crystal: Linguistics is the academic discipline that studies language scientifically, and stylistics, as a part of this discipline, studies certain aspects of language variation. Investigating English Style 3) G. N. Leech: Stylistics is a linguistic approach to literature, explaining the relation between language and artistic function, with motivating questions such as “why” and “how” more than “what”. Style in Fiction. A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry
4) W. V. Peer: Stylistics is developed from Russian Formalism via Prague Structuralism, following the concept of “estrangement”-“deviation from normal usages”. Stylistics and Psychology 5) Halliday: Linguistics is not and will never be the whole of literary analysis, and only the literary analyst—not the linguist—can determine the place of linguistics in literary studies. But if a text is to be described at all, then it should be described properly; by the theories and methods developed in linguistics, whose task is precisely to show how language works.
Issues of Stylistics 1 The aesthetic function of the language Expressive means in language Synonymous ways of rendering one and the same idea Emotional coloring in language
Issues of Stylistics 2 A system of special devices called stylistic devices The splitting of the literary language into separate systems called style The interrelation between language and thought The individual manner of an author in making use of the language
Branches of Stylistics Literary S. Linguistic S. The composition of a work of art Various literary genres The writer’s outlook Functional styles The linguistic nature of the expressive means of the language, their systemic character and their function