Program Review Presentation March 16th, 2015 Chemistry Program Review Presentation March 16th, 2015
Program Description Chemistry Department Personnel Student Population 14 Full-Time Faculty, 1 LTT, 9 Adjunct Faculty, 3 Full- Time Lab Techs, 1 Part-Time IA, 1 Temp IA Student Population Almost 2500 students per year Students from all ethnicities and age groups Classes Offered 12 Classes offered this semester (61 sections) Chemistry Major series (5 classes, 25 sections) Allied Health (3 classes, 25 sections) Morning, afternoon, and evening classes On-campus and at Natomas Center Brief Description of your program. Who are you? One Slide, 2 minutes
Benchmarks Standardized ACS Certified Final Exam Student Feedback Taken at the end of 2 year chemistry major series Student success tracked through the series Student Feedback In person Faculty review Online SLO/Student Success Data 65% success rate over past 5 years SLO broad assessment SLO focused assessment
Program -- Strengths Excellent Chemistry Instruction Diverse Faculty ACS certified exam, student feedback, anecdotal 4-year college feedback 74% of all sections taught by full-time faculty Excellent analytical instrumentation Diverse Faculty 54% male, 46% female, all ethnic groups greater than 2% of college population represented Student Support Five weekly tutorials with IAs Beacon tutors for most classes Three student clubs run/supported by Department High Productivity 618 average productivity over past 5 years despite virtually all classes having lab component
Program -- Challenges Chemistry Classes in High Demand Insufficient FTE and lab space to accommodate more students Underprepared Students Leads to lower success rates in intro classes in Chemistry Major series Facilities Projectors, electrical wiring, reliable WiFi, etc. Accommodation of Learning Disabled Students Increasing numbers and long exams make accommodation within DSPS difficult Lab/Lecture Inequity 33% longer hours for same FTE when teaching labs
Planning Implications Chemistry Classes in High Demand Additional full-time faculty, but only in conjunction with additional lab/lecture space and increased FTE Facilities Continued funding to repair and replace equipment Continued improvement of current facilities and addition of new facilities Underprepared Students Improve placement process for incoming students Accommodation of Learning Disabled Students In-house exam space and proctors