Independent CTHB consultant Vice-Chair Selected Manuals, Guidelines, Recommendations – What is there for Professional Journalists to Follow while Reporting on Human Trafficking Cases Vera Gracheva Independent CTHB consultant Vice-Chair Foundation against Digital Threats, Modern Slavery, Kidnappings and Exploitation Russia
Media as a strong social partner - its role cannot be overestimated in the prevention of modern slavery. Media is: - instrumental in raising awareness of the public at large; - in attracting attention of the authorities to the issue; - in changing the overall attitude towards trafficked persons; - in creating the climate of intolerance towards all forms of exploitation. Media has the capacity to improve the response of states and people to this crime and promote the human rights-based approach in Prosecution, Prevention, Protection and Partnerships.
Only if... ONLY if journalists themselves are fully aware of the scope and features of trafficking; ONLY if they adhere to the protection of human rights of the victims and observe the confidentiality and “Do no harm” principles and refrain from sensationalism; ONLY if they know how to treat the victims (especially children) in case they are to be interviewed; ONLY if they know all the basics of “DO’s” and DON'Ts.
Ways to improve Online and hard copy manuals - to provide a full and updated picture of THB - to equip journalists and others with correct, powerful and ethical tools to accomplish their mission and contribute to the eradication of THB.
Manuals specifically designed for the media faculties Manuals specifically designed for the media faculties. Some of them do have separate THB-related chapters UNESCO-2013
Principles and guidelines on ethical reporting directly related to THB WHO-2003
UNICEF Principles and Guidelines on Ethical Reporting on Children 2003 Press centre Reporting guidelines
International Federation of Journalisms (IFJ) 2009
International Federation of Journalism Guidelines on Children Reporting The Ethical Journalism Initiative 2009
The United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Trafficking The Role of the Media in Building Images, 2008
UN.GIFT How to Cover Human Trafficking Stories? UN.GIFT Knowledge Hub How to cover human trafficking stories? 2008
Technology and Human Trafficking, 2008 UN.GIFT Technology and Human Trafficking, 2008
Trafficking in Human Beings: Internet Recruitment, 2007 Council of Europe Trafficking in Human Beings: Internet Recruitment, 2007
Manuals for multiple stakeholders on combating THB UNODC Toolkit on Combating Trafficking in Persons, 2006
Manuals for multiple stakeholders on combating THB The Resource Book for Law Enforcement Officers on Good Practices in Combating Child Trafficking, 2005
Manuals for multiple stakeholders on combating THB Manual for Turkmenistan Law Enforcement on Combating THB, 2009
UNICEF, UNMIK and the Government of Kosovo Let’s Talk. Developing effective communication with child victims of abuse and human trafficking. Practical Handbook for social workers, police and other professionals, 2004
Manuals for journalists on specific forms of trafficking or specific vulnerable target groups Save the Children: Responding to Child Trafficking. An Introductory Handbook on child rights-based interventions drawn from experiences in Southeast Europe 2004
Manuals by national NGOs or state bodies, supported by IOs ASTRA: Human Trafficking Manual for Journalists, 2008
Manuals by national NGOs or state bodies, supported by IOs EQUAL Community Initiative Project “ASPIDDA: Combating Exploitation – Creating Perspective”: Trafficking in Human Beings and Greek Mass Media. Guide for Journalists, 2007
Manuals by national NGOs or state bodies, supported by IOs Manual of Reporting of Cases of Trafficking and Violence against Women in Albania, 2014
Manuals from Other parts of the Globe UNESCO’s/UNMIT: Human Rights Handbook for Journalists in Timor- Leste, 2013
Manuals from Other Parts of the Globe Accountable Journalism: Empowering Children in the Media: Editorial Guidelines and Principles for Reporting on Children in the Media, 2014 EU and Save the Children Developed with children, journalists, editors, and media professionals for African media
Manuals from Other Parts of the Globe UNDP’s Office in India: Media Handbook "Not her real name…", Reporting Trafficking in Persons 2006
Russian language manuals OSCE Project Coordinator’s Office in Ukraine: Освещение в средствах массовой информации проблемы торговли людьми. Пособие для журналистов, 2007 (Media Reporting on THB. Handbook for Journalists, 2007)
Russian language manuals Торговля людьми (траффикинг) Пособие для преподавателей и студентов, 2013 (Trafficking in Human Beings, Handbook for students and high- school teachers) Yerevan University
Russian language manuals Union of Russian Journalists (NGO), Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University, OSCE: СМИ против ТЛ”, 2013 (The Media against Human Trafficking)
English-language literature Trace Project: Review of the media framing of human trafficking, 2014
Guidelines and codes of ethics adopted by international and national Media community International Principles of Professional Ethics in Journalism-1983; The BBC Editorial Guidelines; Agence France Presse (AFP): AFP Editorial Standards and Best Practices- 2016; ASEAN Journalists Code of Ethics- 1989.
Conclusions THB is “a living creature” - it easily adapts to new circumstances and develops new forms. Regular training and up-dating is a key to respond to these new developments . Existing manuals, handbooks and guidelines should be enriched by modern research and studies (i.a., on the role of the Internet - part of the problem and part of the solution). - Manuals and handbooks have to be revised and updated to reflect new forms of trafficking (for example, trafficking for exploitation in terrorism) and new needs of trafficked victims . - Media can and should do more in raising the anti-trafficking profile . - Manuals may be perfect and advanced, but they may have no value when ignored on the ground.