QUIZ pp. 675-678 What was the title of SIGMUND FREUD’S book in which he laid out the ideas of psychoanalysis? Explain the Freudian concept of REPRESSION? What was the ID? What was the EGO? What was the SUPEREGO? According to Freud, how was psychic conflict resolved?
QUIZ ANSWERS The Interpretation of Dreams Bad impulses are hidden away The pleasure principle -> I want … The rational principle -> I need to… The moral principle/conscience -> I should psychoanalysis
SIGMUND FREUD AND PSYCHOANALYSIS Sigmund Freud = Viennese doctor/father of psychoanalysis Author of - The Interpretation of Dreams Unconscious/subconscious mind = affected by early experiences and inner forces Repression = socially unacceptable and crude lustful impulse and desires are hidden away and forced down into the unconscious mind where they still hide out and drive us to do things without our conscious knowledge
THE HUMAN MIND = THE PSYCHE ID = the animal brain/the pleasure principle EGO = the rational brain/the reality principle SUPEREGO = the higher brain/conscience and moral principle
The Freudian Psyche = the mind The Id = the pleasure principle The Ego = the reality principle The Superego = conscience and moral principle The three parts of the human psyche struggling with each other and pull in different directions Freud said that our Id/pleasure principle is concerned with only two things - 1. Eating 2. Fornicating
FREUDIAN CONCEPTS Infantile sexual drives = babies have sexual desires The Oedipus Complex = kill your father/marry your mother The Electra Complex = the female version of the Oedipus Complex Mental illness = psychic conflict = according to Freud this is solved through 1. Psychoanalysis = therapist/psychoanalyst and patient trace back the chain of repression into early childhood to discover what is going on in the unconscious/subconscious mind and work together to resolve the problems 2. Dream interpretation Dreams = the contents of the unconscious mind sneaking out Para praxis = “Freudian slip”
THE IMPACT OF DARWINISM – SOCIAL DARWINISM AND RACISM SOCIAL DARWINISM = the application of Darwin’s principle of organic evolution to the social order Darwin’s ideas wrongly used to justify class, social, racial, and cultural differences HERBERT SPENCER – most important proponent of social darwinism White European societies were “the fittest” thus superior and dominant Rich people were naturally fittest/superior Nationalists and racists used social darwinism to justify their beliefs and actions
Nationalism + racism + social darwinism = Germany The Volk = the concept of German nation, people, race National groups/races struggling for surival and the fittest will win ARYANS HOUSTON STEWART CHAMBERLAIN