Who Am I Presentation Solitaire Marcano
Mother and friend to 4 wonderful young adults.
Where I came From: Trinidad and Tobago I grew up in Trinidad
I REMEMBER Some of the most important things I remember about my early life are: I remember the family gatherings Planning events Going on hikes with friends Enjoying the activities of my dad’s cultural organization
My Interest My main interest is to progress in computer Completing the Adult Learning program Reading and Cooking I enjoy these activities because I want to do better in life and I have a passion for entertaining.
My Skills and Abilities: The things I do well naturally or have learned to do well are: Cooking Reading Craft work Organizing events I know I have these skills or abilities because I’ve been complimented on them and I’ve also successfully organized some social events with friends and family.
Curry Chicken
Trinidad Pelau Ingredients Brown rice, chicken or any meat, pigeon peas coconut milk and seasoning to taste. Serve with fresh green salad or cole slaw
Job History and Work-Related Responsibilities: My first job was a cashier at a pharmacy. I’ve also worked as an assistant book-keeper and a manager at a betting outlet. I am presently responsible for or working as a Home Health Aide, caring for a disable woman. Although I was not paid, I have been responsible for church events with the Greeters group. I was the person in charged . Some of the things I liked about these work experiences are, dealing with the people, but mostly dealing with numbers. Some of the things I have not liked about these work experiences are, my patient could be very ungrateful and difficult at times.
Things That Will Make A Job or Career Satisfying The things that are most important to me in a job will be stability, room to grow in an easier environment, rather than looking after some one all night.
Jobs or Career I’ve Been Thinking About Anything Computer related Billing and Coding Accounts
Why This Job or Career This job or career is a good choice for me because it matches my interest. I love anything to do with numbers. I am pretty good with figures. I pride myself with 110% in any field of employment. As a cancer survivor, my work life is a bit difficult at times, so a desk job will be the ideal life style for me.
Personal Changes Some of the things I’d like to change about myself, will definitely be my job, a desk job will be fine, I’d also try to exercise a bit more and eat more healthier stuff.
Future Plans The next thing I need to do is get my GED Become more proficient in Computer Do the Billing and Coding course, so I can work in one of these fields.
Ms. Noemi Ross Just want to take this opportunity to thank Lehman college for the Adult Learning classes, and for the chance to be in the class of Ms. Noemi Ross, She have made this class fun and interesting, making the instructions very simple.