Vertically resolved CALIPSO-CloudSat aerosol extinction coefficient in the marine boundary layer and its co-variability with MODIS cloud retrievals David.


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Presentation transcript:

Vertically resolved CALIPSO-CloudSat aerosol extinction coefficient in the marine boundary layer and its co-variability with MODIS cloud retrievals David Painemal1,2, Richard Ferrare2, Marian Clayton1,2, Fu-Lung Chang1,2, Sharon Burton2, Damien Josset3, Patrick Minnis1,2 and Yan Feng4 1Science Systems and Applications, Inc 2NASA Langley Research Center 3Naval Research Laboratory 4Argonne National Laboratory A-Train Symposium 2017

Motivation Cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) measurements are essential for understanding the role of aerosols in modifying cloud properties (aerosol indirect effect) Andreae, 2011 (ACP) AOD 500 nm CCN0.4% Satellite-based studies mostly rely on aerosol optical depth (AOD) as a proxy for CCN. But: The AOD-CCN relationship is scattered (e.g. Andreae, 2011 ACP). The aerosol layer close to the cloud cannot be isolated from the rest of the atmospheric column. 3D radiative transfer effects in broken scenes and cloud contamination impact passive AOD. Can we use vertically-resolved CALIOP aerosol measurements for a better quantification of the aerosol indirect effect?

Development of a new CALIOP-CloudSat aerosol extinction dataset Aerosol retrievals from a new CALIOP-CloudSat dataset developed in NASA-LaRC. The lidar equation is iteratively solved using CALIOP attenuated backscatter at 532 nm and 1064 nm, constrained with an independent AOD retrieval (e.g. Fernald et al. 1984). AOD is taken from the Synergized Optical Depth of Aerosols (SODA) project, which derives AOD from CALIOP and the CloudSat radar ocean surface scattering cross-section (Josset et al., 2008 GRL). Two methods: 1-layer method: one homogeneous aerosol layer with a constant lidar ratio with height (determined during the retrieving process). 2-layer method: the lidar ratio is prescribed = 25 sr in the boundary layer, and the lidar ratio for the upper layer is estimated during the iteration process. Both methods compare better with aircraft data over the Caribbean than CALIPSO aerosol standard product (Ferrare et al., 2014)

Dataset Period of study: August-September 2013 CALIOP-SODA: Retrievals derived using 1 km averaged CALIOP attenuated backscatter and SODA AOD Nearly global oceanic coverage (45˚N-45˚S) 532 nm retrievals using 1-layer method CALIOP cloud height MODIS cloud retrievals (CERES Ed 4 algorithm) 1km pixel resolution Cloud optical depth (t), 3.8 mm effective radius (re), and droplet number concentration (Nd, f(t,re)) Satellite cloud retrievals collocated with CALIOP Period of study: August-September 2013

Total aerosol optical depth AOD SODA AOD MODIS AOD (level 3) Biomass burning aerosols over the southeast Atlantic dominates the AOD pattern. SODA AOD consistent with other satellite datasets.

AOD and extinction in the boundary layer and free troposphere We used the cloud top height from CALIOP as a proxy for boundary layer height CALIOP-SODA aerosol and CALIOP cloud properties averaged to a 5km resolution. Aerosol and clouds matched within a 30 km segment. Z 2 km: Free tropospheric aerosol layer Boundary layer Aerosol extinction coeff. Cloud Height 300 m: Below-cloud aerosol layer Lon Lat 30 km 5 km Cloud height Aerosol =cloudy =clear-sky

Aerosol extinction for different cloud heights (m) Aerosol extinction is composited as a function of cloud height. Higher extinction in the boundary layer (BL) Shallow BL located near the continents Relative humidity appears to modulate the extinction.

CALIOP-SODA maps 1-layer aerosol and cloud height retrievals averaged to a 5km spatial resolution. Data were further averaged to a 30 km spatial resolution Mean maps were created with a spatial grid of 10˚x8˚

AOD in the boundary layer and free troposphere Free tropospheric AOD Boundary layer AOD Free troposphere: important contributor to the total AOD Boundary layer: Aerosol burden in coastal regions is evident. High AOD near 40˚S, likely connected to sea salt production Da Silva et al. (2012)

Cloud top height (m) Cloud height modulates the magnitude of AOD in the boundary layer Mean aerosol extinction coefficient is a more relevant parameter for the investigation of the aerosol indirect effect

Mean aerosol extinction coeff. in the boundary layer (1/km) Boundary Layer Boundary Layer: High values in coastal regions 300 m layer below the cloud top: The coastal pattern is enhanced Relative decrease of extinction for the extra-tropics and the Indian Ocean. (1/km) 300 m layer below cloud top

MODIS cloud properties: Preliminary results 1km MODIS pixels matched with CALIPSO ground track. 5 pixels east and west of nadir are also stored. MODIS cloudy areas ≥ 2kmx5km are preserved only (useful for reducing clear sky contamination and 3D radiative effects in MODIS) CALIPSO ground track CALIPSO 1km pixels MODIS pixels ✓ x MODIS pixels =cloudy =clear-sky

Cloud droplet number concentration (Nd) The spatial co-variability between Nd and aerosol extinction in the boundary layer starts to emerge… Disagreement in the eastern Atlantic and Arabian Sea might be attributed to biomass burning aerosols and dust (less efficient CCN) (cm-3) MODIS Nd Mean Extinction 300 m below cloud top Total AOD ✘ ✓

Future Work Conclusions The new CALIOP-SODA dataset provides unique vertical information of aerosol distribution for aerosol-cloud interactions studies. Aerosol extinction in the boundary layer is consistent with continental aerosols being transported offshore MODIS cloud properties Remarkable spatial co-variability between CALIOP-SODA aerosol extinction in the boundary layer and MODIS cloud droplet number concentration. Vertically resolved CALIOP data are key for advancing our understanding of the aerosol indirect effect beyond the “AOD framework” Future Work Produce one year of daytime CALIOP-SODA aerosol retrievals Use 2-layer method for regions with high AOD in the free troposphere. Develop screening methods for combining daily MODIS and CALIOP retrievals. Explore the use of CloudSat for aerosol-precipitation interactions. Acknowledgements: NASA CCST program (award # NNH16CY04C).


Development of a new CALIOP aerosol extinction dataset Aerosol extinction (532 nm) (km-1) Altitude (m) Retrievals Validation: CALIPSO Caribbean Campaings 2008 and 2010 Aircraft data NASA LaRC high spectral resolution lidar (HSRL), “ground truth” CALIOP-SODA 1 and 2-layer algorithms CALIPSO standard aerosol product CALIOP-SODA Both 1-layer and 2-layer methods agree well with HSRL observations in the NW Atlantic. CALIPSO standard product Profiles overestimation Challenges associated with layer detection, classification, and selection of an appropriate lidar ratio. Do CALIOP-SODA aerosol retrievals spatially co-vary with the cloud microphysics in marine low clouds?

Dust frequency of occurrence (Omar et al., 2009).