Advertising Across Platforms Lesson 2 Advertising Across Platforms
Lesson Objective At the end of this lesson we will have built on our understanding of how print adverts effectively target specific audiences.
Starter What needs does this advert hope to fulfill?
What needs does this advert hope to fulfill?
Creating Needs Magazines and newspaper pages for women are usually about fashion and beauty. Fashion and Beauty products – are they necessities? How is the idea of need created?
Analysing Print Adverts Take note of: Use of slogans Use and placement of text Font type, size and colour Where the product is placed The image(s) that accompany product
Task Each person will be given one beauty product advertisement. Glue the advert onto a sheet of A3 paper. Annotate the advertisement, in terms of how it was designed to create a desire in women to purchase the product.
Prominence of brand name – well known. Product name matches image shown – she lifts herself up. Suggests you can get body like this if you use product. Shot taken to show model’s entire body – no flaws, smooth, firm. Product displayed in sharp focus – easy to recognize in shops Woman with ‘perfect’ body – what women want to look like. Mostly white on black used, contrasting her body which is only bit of colour. Can’t help but notice her skin. Tanned, glistening skin.
Task Each person will be given one beauty product advertisement. Glue the advert onto a sheet of A3 paper. Annotate the advertisement, in terms of how it was designed to create a desire in women to purchase the product.
Task Continued Each person will display their advert and talk the class through their explanation of how it effectively created a desire in the target audience.
Buzz Words Amazing.. Approved.. Attractive.. Authentic.. Bargain...Beautiful.. Better.. Big.. Colourful.. Colossal.. Complete.. Easily.. Endorsed.. Enormous.. Excellent.. Exciting.. Exclusive.. Expert.. Famous.. Fascinating.. Fortune.. Full.. Genuine.. Gift.. Gigantic.. Greatest.. Guaranteed.. Helpful.. Highest.. Huge.. Immediately.. Improved.. Informative.. Largest.. Latest.. Lavishly.. Lifetime.. Limited.. Lowest.. Magic.. Miracle.. Outstanding.. Personalized.. Popular.. Powerful.. Practical.. Professional.. Proven.. Quality.. Quickly.. Rare.. Remarkable.. Reliable.. Revealing.. Revolutionary.. Secrets.. Security.. Sensational.. Simplified.. Sizable.. Special.. Startling.. Strong.. Sturdy.. Successful.. Superior.. Surprise.. Terrific.. Tested.. Tremendous.. Unconditional.. Unique.. Unlimited.. Unparalleled.. Unsurpassed.. Unusual.. Useful.. Valuable.. Wonderful.
Plenary On the back of your A3 sheet, write a paragraph that explains HOW your advertisement tries to sell your product to the its target audience. Make reference to the elements you’ve pointed out, explaining their effectiveness.
Plenary Codes and conventions of female beauty product adverts:
Extended Plenary Using the reverse side of your A3 page, create a mock-up of a print advert for a new female beauty product. Be sure to include as many of the codes and conventions seen today as possible.