Authority (7) Generic and Specific The New Testament Church 2017
Specific and Generic Authority Why is this important? Some say, unless something is specifically stated we can do nothing (e.g. no Bible classes, one cup, etc.) Some say, unless something is specifically stated we are free to do as we please (e.g. instrumental music, entertainment, recreation, etc.) Both extremes are wrong! While God specifies many things, He leaves some details to our discretion.
Specific and Generic Authority Generic (general) authority Pertaining to each and all within a specific class, not limited to a precise application Generic authority is INCLUSIVE! Leaves room for options or choices. Expediencies Example: “Could someone go get a loaf of bread?”
Specific and Generic Authority Example – Matthew 28:19- 20, Mark 16:15-16 How to go? Walk, ride an animal, a ship, in a chariot, etc. How did they teach? Publicly and privately, orally and written, etc.
Specific and Generic Authority Specific authority Precisely formulated or restricted, explicit. Avoiding vagueness Specific authority is EXCLUSIVE! It excludes all options OUTSIDE of the realm specified Example: “Bob, could you go to the corner store and get me a 24 ounce loaf of Ezekiel 4:9 whole wheat bread?”
Specific and Generic Authority Specific authority Example – Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15-16 Go! A command which excludes NOT going! To refuse to go is to disobey the command. Teach! To not teach is unacceptable. What to teach – the gospel, that which makes disciples
Specific and Generic Authority Specific authority Abraham – Genesis 22:1-2, Take your son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.
Specific and Generic Authority Specific authority When God specifies, we dare not change it, cf. 2 Samuel 6:6-7, Uzzah was struck dead because he touched the ark. This was caused because of David’s failure to follow God’s instructions on transporting the ark (cf. Leviticus 4:5-6, etc.)
Specific and Generic Authority Most commands contain both specific and generic components Example Genesis 6:13-16, Noah was given very specific instructions – build an ark, 450 ft x 75 ft x 45 ft high. Gopher wood, covered with pitch, 3 levels, 1 window and 1 door. How to build it? Generic - Use any tool of his choosing, who would help, etc.
Specific and Generic Authority- Applied Matthew 28:19-20, we are to go! We too cannot stay and do nothing. We are to preach and teach the gospel (cf. 1 Corinthians 2:1-2)– NOT the writings of Max Lucado, Joel Osteen, etc. Generic – we too can walk or ride an animal, or on a boat, OR we can fly, ride a bike, drive in a car, etc. We can teach in a class setting, public or private, in writing or orally, on the internet, using tracts, etc.
Specific and Generic Authority- Applied Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16, our worship in song. Specific – sing! NOT instrumental (a different type of music) From the heart Teaching one another - congregational Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs – not pop music, holiday favorites, etc. Generic – unison, harmony, responsive, etc. Also includes expediencies – song books, a song leader, etc.
Specific and Generic Authority- Applied Acts 20:7, the Lord’s Supper Specific – When – 1st day of the week (Sunday). Excludes any other day. When we come together (cf. 1 Corinthians 11:20ff, Acts 20:7) The elements (necessary conclusion) Generic – WHEN on the first day of the week. When within our assembly. Containers, etc.
Specific and Generic Authority- Applied Hebrews 10:25, assembling Specific – we need to assemble (Must include at least once on first day of the week to fulfill other commands) Generic – WHERE we assemble – a building, in a home, rented facility, etc. WHEN on the first day of the week We CAN assemble at other times without violating the command to assemble!
Specific and Generic Authority- Applied Within the church – we have specifics that regulate how we worship, our organization and work, as well as what we teach. But in many areas we have discretion in carrying out some aspects of these matters.
When considering authority, let us remember that God knows what He is doing. Even when we don’t understand why, where He sets boundaries, we need to respect them – Isaiah 55:8-9, 1 Corinthians 4:6
Do we respect God’s boundaries as His church? The New Testament Church 2017