Programme for International Student Assessment


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Presentation transcript:

Programme for International Student Assessment PISA 2000 - 2015 Programme for International Student Assessment European Union Europe & Central Asia region

Overview European Union members’ performance is high given its level of economic development …but they could be doing better While the EU has a stable performance over time and across all three subjects … almost 50% of students from the poorest background do not reach a basic level of proficiency Barely any student from poor socioeconomic background performs at high levels of proficiency Three policies to foster further improvement: (1) Preschool access; (2) school climate; (3) teacher’s practices and student’s motivation.

The EU has a relatively efficient education system (even after accounting for ESCS)

EU countries are among the top performers (all subjects) European Union Rest of the World Austria (AT) Belgium (BE) Bulgaria (BG) Croatia (HR) Cyprus (CY)* Czech Republic (CZ) Denmark (DK) Estonia (EE) Finland (FI) France (FR) Germany (DE) Greece (GR) Hungary (HU) Ireland (IE) Italy (IT) Latvia (LV) Lithuania (LT) Luxembourg (LU) Malta (MT) Netherlands (NL) Poland (PL) Portugal (PT) Romania (RO) Slovak Republic (SK) Slovenia (SI) Spain (ES) Sweden (SE) United Kingdom (GB)** Massachusettes (USA) (QUC) Norway (NOR) Switzerland (CHE) Canada (CAN) Korea (KOR) China B-S-J-G (QCH) Japan (JPN) China Macao (MAC) Chinese Taipei (TAP) Hong Kong (HKG) Singapore (SGP) PISA 2015 Top 20 performers

Scores of all subjects in the EU have remained stable PISA Math scores over time PISA Math scores by ESCS quantiles

But the EU still has an important proportion of students below basic proficiency (across all subjects)

And inequalities remain—Gap between top and bottom socio-economic quintiles

Very few students from the lowest ESCS score on the highest level of proficiency

Inequalities across groups remain—Urban-rural and gender

Social stratification has remained constant—except for Poland 2000 2009 The social stratification/segregation index ranges from 0 to 1. A higher index indicates a higher correlation between student's and schools’ socioeconomic status. The Index is the correlation (R2) between the student's ESCS and the student’s ESCS at the school level. 2015

Correlation between PIAAC (stock) and PISA (flow)– Some countries are improving their education systems Countries have stagnated PIAAC Numeracy EU average PIAAC Numeracy Average = 267; PISA Math 2015= 498 Countries are improving

Integration pays off—Education systems can do both higher integration and increasing scores High integration + High scores Low integration + Low scores

Students who attended preschool did better in PISA… PISA 2015 does not have a standard variable across countries for preschool. There are two variables for preschool, making comparisons difficult—The number of years they attended preschool and the age they started attending preschool. Some countries answered the first question and some countries answered the second one. Since comparisons are difficult, for this graph, we showed the relationship between the preschool enrollment rates in 2003 (when students about 3 years old) and PISA 2015 scores.

Students learn better in schools with better school climate The Disciplinary Climate Index measures the extent of classroom disruptions due to noise, disorder, and other factors.

Teachers and student motivation are important element for learning Many students benefit from teacher-directed instruction (TDI) Students with higher motivation learn more The Achievement Motivation Index was constructed using students’ responses to questions that reflect their motivation towards studies and beyond i.e.: “I want top grades in most […] of my courses;' I want to be able to select from among the best opportunities available when I graduate; I see myself as an ambitious person.” The Teacher-Directed Instruction (TDI) measures teaching practices related with traditional education and includes how often the teacher explains scientific ideas, demonstrates them, discusses student’s’ questions, and promotes classroom discussions.

Thank you.

EU countries have an important proportion of students above high proficiency in PISA

The EU average proportion of low performers has remained relatively constant over time with high differences between socioeconomic levels

PIAAC scores by income level reflects gap persistence over time for the 2000 PISA cohort