Supervisor of Accelerated Programs Criteria for Focus Eligibility continued Stafford County Public Schools Criteria for Focus Eligibility It is recommended to meet 5 of 6 of criteria in order to be found eligible for needing Focus services. A committee of school personnel makes the determination of eligibility. One of three decisions will be made: The student’s needs are currently being met in the classroom through differentiation The student needs services through the gifted program in order to be more successful The committee needs more time to determine the needs of the student The parents will be notified of the decision through a letter sent in the mail from the Supervisor of Accelerated Programs. Ability testing – looking for 95th percentile and higher (test is administered by the Focus Resource Teacher) Achievement Testing – Iowa Tests – looking for 95th percentile and higher for specific academic identification. Teacher Observation – the score must show that the student is significantly exceeding grade level expectations. Student Portfolio – work samples are evaluated by two of Stafford’s Focus Resource staff members who have not met the child. Again, the score must show the student to be significantly exceeding the grade level expectations. Resource Teacher Observation/Interview – as observed in class lessons and/or an interview completed by the Focus Resource Teacher. Parent Survey The Focus Identification Process Stafford County, Virginia If at any time you have any questions about Focus and the Identification process, please contact the Focus Resource teacher at your school or the Supervisor of Accelerated Programs Mrs. Bradshaw
I think my child might be gifted, what do I do? My child has been referred for Focus, now what? Other Key Players The Focus Resource Teacher will: Schedule testing times with the classroom teacher Give the classroom teacher the narrative, the portfolio and the deadline for completion Arrange for an interview &/or classroom observation of the student Gather any other pertinent information (such as previous test scores, assessments, etc.) Schedule the eligibility meeting The classroom teacher will Complete a narrative that gives details of observed characteristics in the classroom setting. Collect samples of student work that show the student’s performance and achievement in the classroom. Talk to your child’s teacher regarding your child’s performance, achievement, and behavior in the classroom Talk to the Focus Resource Teacher in the school The parent will: receive a letter from the Supervisor of Accelerated Programs. The letter will briefly explain what the procedure for identification is. It will also contain: A permission slip – This allows the Focus Resource Teacher to begin the identification process. A questionnaire – One or both parents will complete this. Send the permission slip and the questionnaire to your child’s school. The permission slip and questionnaire may go to: ·the Focus Resource Teacher, or ·the classroom teacher who will forward it to the Focus Resource Teacher. The Focus Referral A child may be referred for Focus Identification any one of several people: The classroom teacher The Focus Resource Teacher The student himself or herself Another student The parent(s) Any of these people may contact the Focus Resource Teacher at your child’s school to initiate the referral. A referral may be made any time in the school year before March 1. Students in K- Fifth grade may be significantly above grade level in verbal/reading skills, or in logical/mathematical skills, or in both to be found eligible. This identification procedure takes 90 workdays (3-4 months) to be able to get a good picture of the student’s performance and the needs of this student can best be met.